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A grin crept over the sharp little old face peering out from the bulrushes. "Hi, yo'self!" he shouted, for it really was Unc' Billy Possum. "What are you doing over here?" called Little Joe Otter. "Just a-looking round," replied Unc' Billy Possum, his eyes twinkling. "Have you heard about Reddy Fox?" shouted Billy Mink. "Ah done jes' come from his home," replied Unc' Billy Possum.

"If you leaves a comfortable 'ome, sir," moralized the barge-master, "to go a-looking for adventures in this fashion, you must put up with rough quarters, and wot you can get." "We'll go anywhere you think right, Mr. Rowe," said I diplomatically. "I knows a waterman," said Mr. Rowe, "that was in the Royal Navy like myself. He lives near here, and they're decent folk.

If all this part of America was blotted out of existence, people in the East wouldn't miss any ink out of the ink-bottle." Lahoma tossed her head. "Maybe the world IS big," she conceded. "But if Wilfred isn't big enough to make himself seen in it when I go a-looking, I don't care whether I meet him again or not. When I'm in the big world, I expect to deal only with big people."

Here I thought it best to give a rattle at the door-lock; for, as I live, there was old Mrs. Shum a-walkin down the stairs! It appears that one of the younger gals, a-looking out of the bed-rum window, had seen my master come in, and coming down to tea half an hour afterwards, said so in a cussary way. Old Mrs.

I be to keep myself in readiness, sir, always a-looking out for the quadruple's coming and stopping afore the door." Lionel leaned against the counter, and went into a burst of laughter. The woman told it so quaintly, with such perfect good faith in the advent of the white donkey! She did not much like the mirth.

"Hallelulia; keep a-looking; Hallelulia, my men; Hallelulia; keep a-watching! Must I tell you again?" "Oh, why can't I hole out on each green in two? Because we all find that a hard thing to do." "Hallelulia; grasp your putter Hallelulia, again, Hallelulia; hit it harder! Never up, never in!" It was a great occasion, but I have things to narrate which are of much more import.

Down he come along the platform he was a-looking at his Tribune, and not paying no attention and just as he got alongside the Pullman a man stepped off it and most plumped into him; and would a-plumped if he hadn't been so beat out by the hot weather he was going slow.

And you'd see the men a-looking up and scowling at mun: but he was a-scowling worse than they, and if they didn't mind he'd break out at them like a mad thing; and then look out! I never see a man fly into such passions as he, swearing and cursing in his strange Scotch tongue.

Elkins here has been a-looking over the country, sizing up what the beef prospects will be for next year; an' he knows all about wire fences. Here's how," he smiled, treating on the house. Mr. Elkins touched the glass to his bearded lips and set it down untasted while he joked over the sharp rebuff so lately administered to wire fences in that part of the country.

"Smith stood 'em 'arf a pint apiece, and they was all outside 'ere fancying theirselves a bit for wot they'd done when we see old man Parsley coming along on two sticks as fast as 'e could come. "'Are you brave lads a-looking for the tiger? he asks. "'Yes, ses John Biggs. "'Then 'urry up, for the sake of mercy, ses old Mr.