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Updated: August 28, 2024

I seed mun many times afterward, for he was always a-looking to the rear where our ridgment was, a-helping and encouraging so well as he could. Well, I got a drop of wine for the boy it was the morning of New Year's day I mind which did mun good, and next morning we started again.

"What did they send him to the Reformatory for?" "Playing truant and stealing. He stole right enough stole the money from an old woman, and what was I to do when it came to the trial but say what I knew. And him like a viper a-looking at me more like a viper than a human boy. He leans on the bar and looks at me. 'All right, Aunt Flo, he says, just that and nothing more.

"I am a-looking as hard as ever I can look," says Jo with starting eyes, "and that there's the wale, the bonnet, and the gownd." "What about those rings you told me of?" asks Bucket. "A-sparkling all over here," says Jo, rubbing the fingers of his left hand on the knuckles of his right without taking his eyes from the figure. The figure removes the right-hand glove and shows the hand.

'Who's lying dead upstairs; sech was his Bible language; and where was Mr Chuzzlewit as had the only son; and when he goes upstairs a-looking in the beds and wandering about the rooms, and comes down again a-whisperin' softly to his-self about foul play and that; it gives me sech a turn, I don't deny it, Mr Chuzzlewit, that I never could have kep myself up but for a little drain o' spirits, which I seldom touches, but could always wish to know where to find, if so dispoged, never knowin' wot may happen next, the world bein' so uncertain.

The prisoner wept bitterly, and appeared acutely to feel the errors of his past career. The captain then ordered his boat's crew to make ready for a volley, and after firing to re-load quickly. 'And expect a score or two on ye to go head over heels, murmured William Boozey; 'for I'm a-looking at ye. With those words, the derisive though deadly William took a good aim. 'Fire!

'As Em'ly's eyes which was heavy see this woman better, Mr. Peggotty went on, 'she know'd as she was one of them as she had often talked to on the beach. She hadn't no children of her own, this woman, being a young wife; but she was a-looking to have one afore long. And may my prayers go up to Heaven that 'twill be a happiness to her, and a comfort, and a honour, all her life!

"Where did yer get that?" "Yesterday afternoon Sarah was standing on the poop throwing bits o' toke to the gulls, and I saw her a-looking at me very hard. At last she came down as near the barricade as she dared, and throwed crumbs and such like up in the air over the side. By and by a pretty big lump, doughed up round, fell close to my foot, and, watching a favourable opportunity, I pouched it.

"Much bigger than I expected." "Ah, it is a bit biggish till you get used to it. And it's amazing what you can see if you looks 'ard enough, like the tombs in St. Paul's Churchyard, f'r instance. I knowed of a chap once as spent over a week a-looking for 'em, and never see so much as a single 'eadstone but then, 'e were born stone-blind, so it were only nat'ral as 'e should miss 'em, p'r'aps.

Then he turns to Henry and he says: "Duels are out of fashion, aren't they? And a plain killing looks bad in the papers, doesn't it? Well, you just wait for me." With which he gets up and trots out, and I hearn him running down stairs to his labertory. Henry, he'd ruther go now. He don't want to wait. But with Jane a-looking at him he's shamed not to wait.

The whites has had their Messiah, the bishop says, but the niggers ain't never had none of their SPECIAL OWN yet. And they needs one bad, and one is sure a-coming. It seems the whites don't know yet jest what the bishop's been a-preaching. But every nigger fur miles on every side of Big Bethel is a-listening and a-looking fur signs and omens, and has been fur two, three days now.

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