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If she'd a satin frock on, i'stead o' this here poor cotton gownd, you'd ha' showed her t'other side o' your manners! Get away with you. You're too ugly to look at. Mattie! Mattie! Look up, child. Pol. She mustn't lie there. Mat. Susan! Pol. Come, my girl. Sus. You keep off, I tell you! Don't touch her. She's none o' your sort. Come, Mattie, dear. Why don't you make 'em move on? Pol.

An' ivvery man, woman, and choild lookin' afther him in his bit of a black velvet skirt made out of the misthress's ould gownd; an' his little head up, an' his curly hair flyin' an' shinin'. It's loike a young lord he looks." Cedric did not know that he looked like a young lord; he did not know what a lord was.

"Well, sir, tell her as I have saved a heap of money for her out'n the presents the gemmen made me o' Christmas, and I'll bring it to her when I come down which the ole 'oman do love money, sir, better than she do anything in this world, 'cept it is me and old marster and Miss Claudia. And likewise what she wants me to bring her from town, and whether she would like a red gownd or a yallow one."

"A minute or two yet, good gentlemen, please! I'm a'most ready. I'm a-waiting to get out my purple gownd." "All right, missus," was the muffled answer. The "purple gownd" was kept in this very ex-room of Brother Jarrum's hid in a safe place between some sheets of newspaper. Had Mrs. Peckaby kept it open to the view of Peckaby, there's no saying what grief the robe might not have come to, ere this.

Too completely prostrate with events to retort, she suddenly let drop her gown, that she had kept so carefully turned, and clapped both her hands upon her face. Then came a real, genuine question from the next door casement Mrs. Green's. "Ain't that your plum-coloured gownd? What's come to it?" Mrs. Peckaby, somewhat aroused, looked at the gown in haste. What had come to it?

When John was recounting his accident to the cook in the kitchen, he observed, 'Mrs. Barton's a hamable woman; I'd a deal sooner ha' throwed the gravy o'er the Countess's fine gownd. But laws! what tantrums she'd ha' been in arter the visitors was gone. 'You'd a deal sooner not ha' throwed it down at all, I should think, responded the unsympathetic cook, to whom John did not make love.

"I am a-looking as hard as ever I can look," says Jo with starting eyes, "and that there's the wale, the bonnet, and the gownd." "What about those rings you told me of?" asks Bucket. "A-sparkling all over here," says Jo, rubbing the fingers of his left hand on the knuckles of his right without taking his eyes from the figure. The figure removes the right-hand glove and shows the hand.

Sumfit; "and do be good creatures, and begin about my Dahly, and where she got that Bumptious gownd, and the bonnet with blue flowers lyin' by on the table: now, do!" Rhoda coughed. "And she wears lavender gloves like a lady," Mrs. Sumfit was continuing. Rhoda stamped on her foot.

The front of the figure is towards them, but it takes no notice of their entrance and remains like a statue. "Now, tell me," says Bucket aloud, "how you know that to be the lady." "I know the wale," replies Jo, staring, "and the bonnet, and the gownd." "Be quite sure of what you say, Tough," returns Bucket, narrowly observant of him. "Look again."

Mother says, please, would she mind having some o' the dark lavender print instead o' the light, 'cause Susan Peckaby's come in, and she wants the whole o' the light lavender for a gownd, and there's only just enough of it. And, please, I be to take word back." "How are you to take word back if she's not in?" asked Nancy, whose temper never was improved by extra work. "Get along, Dan Duff!

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