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Randolph the merits of the shopkeepers' wares in schoolgirl French before them. She was unfortunate enough, however, to do this in the shop of a polyglot German. "Oxcoos me, mees," he said gravely, "but dot lady speeks Engeleesh so goot mit yourselluf, and ven you dells to her dot silk is hallf gotton in English, she onderstand you mooch better, and it don't make nodings to me."

I peen not more than a year younger as you vos yourselluf! Don'd you git so bersonal in my remarks!" Then he saw Barney Mulloy, who was standing near, a broad grin on his face. With a howl, Hans flung the carpetbag and the flute straight up into the air. "Id vos Parney!" he shouted. "Id vos dot Irish pogtrotter!"

"The priest in green turban say he remember you; he say you holy man who bow yourselluf humble when dead man go by. No stop paint." The protests of the priests, followed by their consultation and quiet withdrawal, packed the crowd the closer. One young man in citizen's dress and fez stood on the edge of the throng trying to understand the cause of the excitement.

"How you gits a runnink jump mit yourselluf!" "Prob'ly that gentleman, he's been awful busy to-day," said Johnnie, "and so he'll be here first thing in the mornin'." "Pos-i-tivvle!" comforted Mrs. Kukor. But late that night, when the whole flat was abed, he admitted to himself not only his disappointment but his keen chagrin.

Here Joe ordered coffee and laid a package of cigarettes on the table. "My! but that was like the razor at the throat not for all the hairs on my head would I had her look out the small hole in the door when Serim come along. Somebody must be take care of you, you Joe Hornstog, that you don't make damn big fool of yourselluf. Ha! but it make me creep like a spider crawl."

No, Marny, you don't can lend me noddings. What vill yourselluf do? Starve!" "Where do you live, Schonholz?" asked Joplin. "By Fizzenbad." "What kind of a place is it baths?" "Yes." "What are they good for?" continued Joplin in a subdued tone. "Noddings, but blenty peoples go." "I can tell you, Joppy," said Pudfut gravely, with a wink at Malone. "There are two spas, both highly celebrated.

"Yes, dot Lowestoft. If you come in yesterday and say, 'Have you any olt cups and saucers and olt soup tureens? I say: 'Yes help yourselluf. Take your pick for tventy-five cents each for de cups and saucers. You see, I pay nudding and I get nudding. Dot give me an idea! How vould you like to go round de store vid me and pick out de good vuns?

"You stoop over yourselluf humble for their dead." On another occasion Joe again stood by my side when, with hat off and with body in a half kotow, I sat before the Pasha, who was acting chief of police after that stormy Armenian week it was over really in five days.

Now you put yourselluf outside my place." The detective made a step forward, turned his back on the rest of the shop, unbuttoned his outer coat, lifted the lapel of the inner one, and uncovered his shield. "Come across," he said, in low, cutting tones, "and don't get gay. I'm not after you but you gotter help, see! I've traced this mantilla down to this shop. Now cough it up!