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"But hurry up with your records; it doesn't need science or the newspapers, does it, to tell you that the beautiful Miss Winship cannot go about very freely?" "Ach, no," said he humbly; for he could not look upon my face and hold his anger. "If I haf not alreaty gifen to Mees Veensheep t'e perfect beauty t'at I promised, I cannot conceive greater perfection.

That would make me no happier, and would make a number of people infinitely wretched, while perhaps starting Charlie on the road to hell. Very likely so. I much prefer to see everyone cheerful and at work. Suppose we ship this fellow yonder back to Mexico Winship can arrange that and destroy the checks, and tear up this sheet of Charlie's record, so to speak.

I wished it was wicked, of course I wished I were his widow; but I was determined not to repeat such folly as I had shown about the Earl. "Very jolly," I repeated, "but you don't know what a coward I am; I believe I'd be afraid." "Aw, no, Miss Winship," he remonstrated; "afraid of the mobe? Aw, no; not with me. I'll teach you how to run it, I do assuah you; awf'ly jolly that would be."

'Never mind; either write new words to that tune or sing tra-la-la to it. Mr. Richard Winship, the Chair appoints you Committee on Menagerie, and suggests that as we have proclaimed a legal holiday, you give your animals the freedom of the city. 'Don't know what freedom of er city means, said Dicky, who feared that he was being made the butt of ridicule.

She didn't know me; the servant could not have caught my name. "Did you wish to see me?" she finally managed to say. "I'm Helen Winship " I faltered. I felt as if I had done something very wrong. "Nelly!" she cried, clutching my hands and almost lifting herself on tiptoe, as she blinked into my eyes in the uncertain light of the outer hall.

'No, it's not painful yet; but I don't care about that it's looking so ridiculous. I wonder if Dr. Winship could send me home. I wish now that I had gone with Scott, for I can't be penned up in this tent a week. 'Oh, it won't hurt you to go out, said Bell, 'and you can lie in the sitting-room. Just wait, and let mamma try and cure you.

Winship raised his glass of lemonade, and proposed to drink Miss Oliver's health. This was done with enthusiasm, and Geoffrey immediately cried, 'Speech, speech! 'I can't, said Polly, blushing furiously. 'Speech! sung Jack and Philip vociferously, pounding on the table with knife-handles to increase the furore.

Winship soothingly. "Nevermind now, Sissy." "Ye'll take good care of Helen 'Lizy?" he said to Cadge and Kitty when we had half carried her up the long flights of stairs to the studio. He seemed to take no notice of the strange furnishings of the loft, but his furrowed brow smoothed itself as he looked into the hospitable faces of the two girls. "Ye'll take good care of her?" he repeated simply.

'I don't think I ever had a becoming or an interesting illness. The chicken- pox, mumps, and sties on my eyes that's the sort of thing I have! 'I feel much worse, Mrs. Winship, she said, going into the sitting- room tent and waking Aunt Truth from a peaceful snooze. 'If you can spare Pancho over night, I really think I must trouble you to send Anne and me home at once.

Nothing in this world can be accomplished without effort. 'They're a lovely brown, began Mrs. Winship, sympathetically. 'And they have a very good flavour, added Elsie. 'Don't touch them, dearest! cried Bell, snatching the plate from under Elsie's very nose. 'I won't have you made ill by my failures. But as for the boys, I don't care a fig for them.