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It’s strange how it hits a man when he’s in love; for there’s no use mincing thingsKanaka and all, I was in love with her, or just as good. I tried to take her hand, but she would none of that. “Uma,” I said, “there’s no sense in carrying on like this. I want you stop here, I want my little wifie, I tell you true.” “No tell me true,” she sobbed.

Hard and unco' cold be they, where there is no warmth to meet the yearning soul beneath, that would give all and ten times more for one glint of a loving eye, one word from a tender lip. Again she had one of those hysteric bursts of tears, but she laughed herself back, crying, 'But what is the treason wifie saying of her gudeman her Louis, that never yet said a rough word to his Meg?

"Oh, Maurice, how you have frightened me! How could you be so cruel? Why would you not speak to me?" "Because it was so sweet to sit in silence and to think that I really had you to myself after all these years, with none to come between. Ah, little wifie, I have often longed for this hour." "I have wronged you, Maurice; I have wronged you! Forgive me!"

And starting away from the old man, he ran two or three paces, and then sprang clear over the head of a young lady, frightening her almost out of her wits. "There! Who'll match me that? Jim Haley's the boy what's hard to beat! Whoo-oo-oop, hurrah! But where's Clara? Where's my dear little wifie? Ah! there No, that isn't her, neither. Wh-wh-where is the little jade?"

'Oh, Catherine, have you ever thought, wifie, what a business it will be for us if I can't make friends with that man? Here we are at his gates all our people in his power; the comfort, at any rate, of our social life depending on him. And what a strange, unmanageable, inexplicable being! Elsmere sighed aloud.

She saw that he felt himself distressingly young and inexperienced, and would not for the world have harassed him by over advice. So she let him alone, and presently Robert threw the matter from him with a sigh. 'Let it be a while, he said, with a shake of his long frame. 'I shall get morbid over it if I don't mind. I am a selfish wretch too. I know you have worries of your own, wifie.

"Where can Hamilton be?" said I, losing interest in the traders' quarrel as soon as they went into details. "Home with his wifie," half sneered the officer in a nagging way, that irritated me, though the remark was, doubtless, true. "Home with his wifie," he repeated in a sing-song, paying no attention to the elucidation of a subject he had raised.

The encouraging tones of my husband's voice, however, "Cheer up, wifie we will find the trail to-morrow," served to dissipate all uneasiness. The exertions of the men soon made our "camp" comfortable, notwithstanding the difficulty of driving the tent-pins into the frozen ground, and the want of trees sufficiently large to make a rousing fire.

I think it gives one bright thoughts." "I aye wear black," said Bella firmly, as she carried the supper dishes to the scullery, "and then, as the auld wifie said, 'Come daith, come sacrament, I'm ready!" "Pray you, sir, how much carnation ribbon, may a man buy for a remuneration?" Comedy of Errors. The living-room at The Rigs was the stage of many plays.

The caretaker strode abruptly away and waited for the wifie in the shadow of the auld kirk. Bobby lifted his muzzle and licked the caressing hand. Then he curled himself up comfortably on the mound and went to sleep. In no part of Edinburgh did summer come up earlier, or with more lavish bloom, than in old Greyfriars kirkyard.