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"You needn't be proud and haughty just because you've had a wedding at your house we're going to have one at ours." "At ours?" "At the 'Widder's, I mean, this very evening." "That's nice," answered Ruth, refusing to ask the question.

Phil promised to take care of Marjie. It makes this easier. I believe they will love each other, John. I hope they may. When they do, give them my blessing. Good-bye." Across this vision Judson's thin sharp voice was pouring out words. "Now, Baronet, you see, to be plain, it's just this way. If I marry Marjory, folks'll say I'm doing it to get control of the widder's stock.

Heman was the last to arrive. He made a long job of covering the horse, inside the shed, resolved that nothing should tempt him to face the general mirth at the Widder's entrance. For he could not deceive himself as to the world's amused estimate of her guardianship and his submission.

On Chris'mus day we goin' to have a sermont at de chu'ch an' a festabal in de evenin' wid a Chris'mus tree. Sis' Marthy, I want you to boa'd de minister." "La, Brothah Todbu'y, I don't scarcely feel lak I's 'portant 'nough fu' dat," said Mrs. Mixon modestly, "but I'll do de bes' I kin. I hatter be lak de widder's mice in de scuse o' meal."

"Why don't you take me out to dinner here?" she asked. "I wouldn't insult you by offering you the 'Widder's' cooking. I mean a real dinner, with striped ice cream at the end of it." "I'll go," she replied, "I can't resist the blandishments of striped ice cream." "Thank you again; that gives me courage to speak of something that has lain very near my heart for a long time."

I settled a nice little fortune on you independent of your widder's rights or your folks." "Your daughter will benefit by that," Mrs. Stuart corrected. "Well, what's that to do with it?" He seemed to lose the scent. "What was our understanding when I agreed to marry you?" "I've done more'n I promised, I tell you."

Huck's face lost its tranquil content, and took a melancholy cast. He said: "Don't talk about it, Tom. I've tried it, and it don't work; it don't work, Tom. It ain't for me; I ain't used to it. The widder's good to me, and friendly; but I can't stand them ways.

But no, he spoke out as pert and cheerful as anything and sez he: "Samantha, I don't think it is necessary for Christians to give such a awful sight. Jest look at the widder's mit." I turned right round and looked at him, holdin' my flat-iron in my right hand, and sez I: "What do you mean, Josiah Allen? What are you talkin' about?"

We was kinder took aback, for sartain, when Maria, her name's Maria, Tom's widder's is, when she come right in with the hull crowd followin', an' John Waters' wagon, what they come from the station in, standin' at the gate, an' all the luggage in it; an' them gentlemen was here gettin' bait an' askin' about the fishin', an' Matildy Jane she kinder flew out, an' one of the little ones was hollerin', an' it was all kinder Bedlamy.

"Why the widder's mit that is mentioned in Scripter, and is talked about so much by Christians to this day. Most probable it wuz a odd one, I dare persume to say she had lost the mate to it. It specilly mentions that there wuzn't but one on 'em. And jest see how much that is talked over, and praised up clear down the ages, to this day.