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Similar questions had vexed him from infancy, and at Oxford he had learned to say that the importance of human beings has been vastly overrated by specialists. The epigram, with its faint whiff of the eighties, meant nothing. But he might have let it off now if his sister had not been ceaselessly beautiful. "You see, Helen have a cigarette I don't see what I'm to do."

They transgressed without fear or scruple, the rules of behaviour that were binding on all others: smoking tobacco under the beadle's very nose, although each whiff would have cost a townsman a shilling; and quaffing at their pleasure, draughts of wine or aqua-vitae from pocket flasks, which they freely tendered to the gaping crowd around them.

"Wall, I dunno; I reck'n ye can't most always tell till ye try. Take a whiff, 'nd see how she goes!" And Shorty handed him his pipe, which he had just refilled with whittlings of black "navy plug." "Derned if I don't try it!" said Si, as he took the pipe and began to puff with great energy.

"Full of vigor and song and the breath of the sea." St. James Gazette. "A real tale of the sea which makes one feel the whiff of the wind and taste the salt of the flying spray such is Mr. J.B. Connolly's new book, 'The Seiners. ... Certainly there is not a lover of the sea, man or woman, who will fail to be delighted with this breezy, stirring tale." London Daily Telegraph.

A whiff of air crept in at the open window flat, with a scullery odour which sickened her soul. In her ears rang the laugh of the woman in the passage. "What have you done? What have you done to me?" She crouched, shivering, like some beautiful wild creature entrapped. He faced her again. Her eyes were on his, but fastened there now by a shrinking terror. "Hetty!"

When I had taken the last whiff, I wrapped myself in my cloak and went to sleep. But twice or thrice during the night I waked to see the torch still shining, and caught the fragrance of consuming pine, and minded not at all the smoke the burning made. I was wakened completely by the shooting of bolts. With the opening of the door I saw the figures of Gabord and Voban.

The morning breeze darted in and out of Ann's bedroom like a child tentatively trying to inveigle a grown-up person into playing hide-and-seek. With every puff a big cluster of roses, which had climbed to the sill, swayed forward and peeped inside, sending a whiff of delicate perfume across to where Ann was kneeling, surrounded by trunks and suitcases, unpacking her belongings.

When the Indiaman was within a mile, the stranger threw out neutral colours, and hoisted a whiff, half-mast down, as a signal that she was in distress. Newton ordered the ship to be kept away, and when alongside of the vessel, lowered down a boat, and sent the third mate to ascertain what assistance could be afforded.

I've rode in nine miles for some tobacco; and it don't appear natural and seemly that you ought to be allowed to live." "The boys was smokin' cut plug and dried mesquite leaves mixed when I left," sighed Mustang Taylor, horse wrangler of the Three Elm camp. "They'll be lookin' for me back by nine. They'll be settin' up, with their papers ready to roll a whiff of the real thing before bedtime.

At the sight of Meffia's elaborately disagreeable demeanor of isolation, all Brinnaria's natural self began to boil in her; at the whiff which assailed her nostrils she boiled over, all her uncurbed instincts surging up at once. She put out one foot and gave Meffia a push. Meffia, with a squall and a great splash, fell into the tank. She not only fell in, but she went under the water.