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"Let him walk in," said I, as I took the first delightful whiff; and F , darkening the window that looked out on the verandah, gave me a fugitive look of recognition, and then entering and making his salutation in a kindly hearty manner, asked me to eat my mid-day meal with him. "Indeed," quoth I, "I accept your invitation.

Not until he was returning not, indeed, until he entered the house did the whiff of its degrading, heated odours bring home to him the tragedy which it held, and he grasped the banister on the stairs. The thought that shook him now was of the cumulative misery of the city, of the world, of which this history on which he had stumbled was but one insignificant incident. But he went on into Mrs.

Wolston, I should have no objection to take a whiff now and then." "You must not put yourself about though, on our account, Willis." "About; no, it would not put me about." "Very good; then it only remains to be seen whether there is a pipe in the colony." "Ah," said Willis, feeling his pockets, "yes, exactly here is one."

He sniffed, and catching a whiff of the scent of death, sat on his haunches, threw back his head, and in loud and piercing tones lamented the tragedy until from very hoarseness he could howl no longer. He stood the solitary spectator of the burial, and as the soil was patted down tenderly, sniffed the spot, whimpered plaintively, and followed with downcast mien.

A jovial-looking woman tall and well-shaped came in, holding a shirt she was sewing. Her eyes and hair were black, and her oval face had the rude coloring of health. She brought into the death-chamber at once a whiff of ozone, and a suggestion of tragic incongruity. Nodding pleasantly at the visitor, she advanced quickly to the bedside, and laid her hand upon the forehead, sweating with agony.

Then, as a sharp whiff of that same baffling scent assailed his nose, he began a new tour of the room. The odor was fresher than before. And Lad's curiosity was roused to the full. He sniffed to right and left, exploring the floor rubbish with inquiring muzzle, and circling the despoiled writing desk. It was then that Garretse called attention to him.

It was impossible for any one, no matter how hardy of body and soul, to endure long, after going through what he had suffered. He too staggered. "I'm leaning hard on you, Peter," said the slaver. "I know it, but I can't help it. What a difference a whiff of grapeshot makes!" Robert steadied himself, made a mighty effort, and they went on.

The strained muscles can relax, and instead of effort and weariness, there is repose upon the restful couches prepared by Him. Threadbare and old as the hills as the thought is, it comes to us toilers with ever new refreshment, like a whiff of fresh air or the gleam of the far-off daylight at the top of the shaft to the miner, cramped at his work in the dark.

Neither did he tell him that her approach woke up in his brain the image of love's infinite grace and the sense of the inexhaustible joy that lives in beauty. No! "That young lady came and sat down by me. She said: 'Are you French, Mr. Renouard?" He had breathed a whiff of perfume of which he said nothing either- -of some perfume he did not know. Her voice was low and distinct.

She always leaves her kitchen door open while she is doing this because she says she likes to hear the rain while she is working that it soothes her nerves. So as you come up from around Bailey's strawberry patch and Tumley's hedge you get a whiff of such deliciousness as makes your mouth water. And more than likely Bessie sees you and comes running out with a few samples of her heavenly work.