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Sunny, you best pile up them washin' fixin's that hand-scrubber, the soap, that wash-flannel an' the towels. Guess that's the nighest you'll ever come to bathin' yourself. Sandy Joyce ken carry the hot water, an', if Zip's yaller pup gets around, see you don't scald him any. Guess I'll handle these yer dippers. That way Zip'll be free to take the kids along.

Hannah was out of humor because her week's work was deranged, and prophesied that "ef the washin' and ironin' warn't done reg'lar, nothin' would go well anywheres". This hitch in the mainspring of the domestic machinery had a bad effect upon the whole concern, but Amy's motto was 'Nil desperandum', and having made up her mind what to do, she proceeded to do it in spite of all obstacles.

"Did yer see them little fingers uv hern a-holdin' out that pan? did yer see her, fellers?" inquired an excited miner. "Yes, an' the way she made that dirt git, ez though she was useder to washin' than wallopin'," said another. "Wallopin'!" echoed a staid miner. "I'd gie my claim, an' throw in my pile to boot, to be a young 'un an' git walloped by them playthings of han's."

Had eight children right along in a string 'thout stoppin', done all her own work, never kep' no gal nor nothin'; allers up and dressed; allers to meetin' Sunday, and to the prayer-meetin' weekly, and never stops workin': when 'tan't one thing it's another cookin', washin', ironin', making butter and cheese, and 'tween spells cuttin' and sewin', and if she ain't doin' that, why, she's braidin' straw to sell to the store or knitting she's the perpetual motion ready found, Mis' Pitkin is."

I come yere 'cause I knowed ye didn't hab no money to keep me, an' I got back de ol' furniture what I had fo' I come to lib wid ye, an' went to washin', an' if dat yaller skunk's been tellin' any lies 'bout me I'm gwineter wring his neck." "No, let Todd alone," laughed St. George, his heart warming to the old woman at this further proof of her love for him.

"I've got a home for us, an' whilst old mammy can take in washin' you'll not wuck yo' life out with these people." Jud broke in harshly: "Come, ole 'oman, you put that child down. You've got nothin' to support her with." She turned on him quickly: "I've got mo' silver tied up in ole socks that the Conways give me in slavery days when they had it by the bushel, than sech as you ever seed.

Course, though, as for figurin' out why she ever noticed me at all, that's a myst'ry I had to pass up. Must have been soon after she went away that I begun sizin' up some critical the gen'ral style and get up of the party whose hair I was combin' and whose face I was washin' more or less reg'lar.

How she got along all them years till Charley got big enough to help, I swan! I don't know. She took in sewin' an' washin', an' went out to cook an' nurse, an' all that, but I reckon the' was now an' then times when they didn't overload their stomechs much, nor have to open the winders to cool off. But she held onto that prop'ty of her'n like a pup to a root.

Th' likes iv ye goes to a picnic an' has a pleasant, peaceful day in th' counthry dancin' breakdowns an' kickin' a football in th' sun an' ivry fifteen minyits or so washin' down a couple of dill-pickles with a bottle of white pop.

She said she could do more washin' since she got into the church than ever, and that it had been the makin' of her. John Cruzan, a fighter, said he hadn't wanted to hurt a livin' soul since he was baptized. And so it went. Mitch was settin' on the end of the seat next the aisle, and I was on the inside. Pretty soon the revivalist came down and spied Mitch.