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Nothing is left for me but the desert and the grave!" "Speak not so, Ernest," said Lord Vargrave, soothingly; "a little while, and you will recover this blow: your control over passion has, even in youth, inspired me with admiration and surprise; and now, in calmer years, and with such incentives to self-mastery, your triumph will come sooner than you think.

Caroline kissed the child in silence, and paused irresolute; glanced at her dress, and then at Evelyn, who smiled on her without a thought of envy; and she had half a mind to stay too, when her mother entered with a letter from Lord Vargrave. It was short: he should be at the Knaresdean races, hoped to meet them there, and accompany them home.

There was a young gentleman present, who, I think, Vargrave might really find a dangerous rival, a Colonel Legard, one of the handsomest men I ever saw in my life; just the style to turn a romantic young lady's head; a mixture of the wild and the thoroughbred; black curls, superb eyes, and the softest manners in the world. But, to be sure, he has lived all his life in the best society.

Alice had one daughter, as was supposed, by a former marriage; that daughter was the offspring of him whose name she bore yes, of the false Butler! that daughter is Evelyn Cameron!" "Liar! devil!" cried Maltravers, springing to his feet, as if a shot had pierced his heart. "Proofs! proofs!" "Will these suffice?" said Vargrave, as he drew forth the letters of Winsley and Lady Vargrave.

"Can you anticipate an event so fatal to my happiness, so unforeseen, so opposed to all my poor uncle's wishes, as Evelyn's rejection of a suit pursued for years, and so solemnly sanctioned in her very childhood?" "She must decide for herself," said Lady Vargrave. "Your uncle carefully distinguished between a wish and a command. Her heart is as yet untouched.

I am a desperate man; and I can play a desperate game, if need be." "And do you think that I will aid, will abet?" "Hush, not so loud! Yes, Caroline, you will, and you must aid and abet me in any project I may form." "Must! Lord Vargrave?" "Ay," said Lumley, with a smile, and sinking his voice into a whisper, "ay! you are in my power!" "Traitor! you cannot dare! you cannot mean "

She only wants nine or ten months of that time; she has seen nothing of the world: she is not fit to decide for herself; and Lady Vargrave, the best of human creatures, is still herself almost too inexperienced in the world to be a guide for one so young placed in such peculiar circumstances, and of prospects so brilliant.

It was so from the first time I opened by accident a book of his years ago." "Who is this author that pleases you so much?" asked Mrs. Leslie, with some surprise; for Lady Vargrave had usually little pleasure in reading even the greatest and most popular masterpieces of modern genius. "Maltravers," answered Evelyn; "and I think I almost share my mother's enthusiasm." "Maltravers!" repeated Mrs.

* "Forgotten by Tully and bullied by the Senate." IN the Lords that evening the discussion was animated and prolonged, it was the last party debate of the session. The astute Opposition did not neglect to bring prominently, though incidentally, forward the question on which it was whispered that there existed some growing difference in the Cabinet. Lord Vargrave rose late.

He found the former, who had not forgotten the cautions of Vargrave, at first cold and distant; but partly from the indolent habit of submitting to Legard's dictates on matters of taste, partly from a liking to his society, and principally from the popular suffrages of fashion, which had always been accorded to Legard, and which were nowadays diminished by the news of his accession of fortune, Lord Doltimore, weak and vain, speedily yielded to the influences of his old associate, and Legard became quietly installed as the enfant de la maison.