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Bunches of rah-rah boys wanting to cross, and Canadians wanting to get back to England, and Jews beating it to Poland to sling bombs at the Czar, I guess. And lemme tell you, them Jews is all right. They're willing to pay for a man's time and trouble in getting 'em fixed up, and so " With dignity Mr. William Wrenn stated, "Of course I'll be glad to uh make it worth your while."

He laughed again, shouted an order, and the Egret leaped past them and on down the river. "Ghost boat, ghost boat!" The Haiti black, back on the scow, waking up from his sleep, had stared full in the eye of the Egret's searchlight, and now was staggering round, terror-stricken and dazed. "Knock him down somebody," called White calmly. "Ghost boat, ghost boat!" "Where?" "Down the uh! Oh, ma Dieu!"

Looking back oveh ouh acquaintance, thah's nothing in that young man for me to put a fingeh on; but, Tom, I tell you in confidence, suh, I'd give five yeahs of my old life, if the good Lord has that many mo' in His book for me, if the blood of the Dabneys didn't have to be uh mingled with that of these heah damned Yankees. I would, for a fact, suh!"

"I've got a string uh cayuses in that darn stockyards, back in town and a damn poor town it is! and I've also got a date with the Circle roundup for tomorrow night. What yuh going to do about it? Speak up, for I'm in a hurry to know." The Happy Family looked at one another and said nothing. "Say," began Weary, mildly.

"Uh uh," said Tom, shaking his head. "We wouldn't get past the first corridor. If we escape, and we will, we've got to have help from someone on the outside!" "But won't they be watching Jeff too?" asked Astro. "Sure they will, but we've got to take that chance.

The daughter did so, but when the witch bit it she cried, 'Uh! no, no! This is nothing but skin and bone; he must be fattened much longer yet. So Esben was fed for a while longer on sweet milk and nut-kernels, until one day the witch thought that now he must surely be fat enough, and told her daughter again to go and cut a finger off him.

"Uh, huh, 'wavering, weak, vaciliating adminstration, have not given us the protection our rights as citizens demanded while our brothers were murdered in the South. Nero fiddled while Rome burned, while this modern' uh, huh, oh, yes, just as I thought," and with a sudden twist Miss Kirkman tore the papers across and pitched them into the grate. "Miss Kirkman Annie, what do you mean?"

"I don't know. I think a lot." "You think, eh? What about, for instance?" "Everything." "Well, tell me a few things you think about." "The world, life, books, Shakespeare." "Shakespeare?" "Yes, sir." "I suppose you've heard your father talk Shakespeare?" "Yes, sir." "And so you think of that?" "I've read lots of it, too." "Shakespeare?" "Yes, sir." "Uh, huh!

None of your tobacco-juice stuff; this comes straight from Fresno. Senator Blake sent it the other day. Fill up that glass, Dell! What yuh want to be so doggone stingy fer? Think this bunch uh freaks are going to stand for that? They can't git the taste outa less'n a pint. This ain't any doggone liver-tonic like you dope out."

Him an' the girl used to meet I know that fer sure. Uh course I ain't sayin' anything but they's two lost er none, you take it from me." The driver grunted and seemed to meditate upon the matter. "What did that perfessor wade clear down to Marston through the storm for, and report her lost, if she ain't lost?" "He come down to see if she'd took the train las' night. That's what he come for.