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To live as he did, within sound of the guns, with parties every night, women and dancing and roulette and champagne suppers bah! c'etait trop fort! It awakened in me the love of country which lies dormant in all of us. I wanted to help my country, lest I might sink as low as he..." "One day the Prince brought a young officer friend of his to dine with me.

"Trop d'audace, I tell her," said Dorian. "Oh! she is audacious enough for anything, my dear. And what is Ferrol like? I don't know him." "The husbands of very beautiful women belong to the criminal classes," said Lord Henry, sipping his wine. Lady Narborough hit him with her fan. "Lord Henry, I am not at all surprised that the world says that you are extremely wicked."

Impar congressus! like Michelet's Charles the Bold, "il avait trop voulu, des choses infinies." The arts were indifferent to her, and she was insensible to the simplicity of true greatness. She idolized a Zuboff, but Kosciuszko was immured at St. Petersburg till the day of her death, and she never even learned his precise name.

"Yes, yes," he seemed to say, "you'd like me to think that you have a perfect knowledge of life: no morality, no prejudices, no illusions; you'd like me to think that you feel yourself on an equality with me, one human animal talking to another, without any barriers of position, money, clothes, or the rest 'ca c'est un peu trop fort'! You're as good an imitation as I 've come across in your class, notwithstanding your unfortunate education, and I 'm grateful to you, but to tell you everything, as it passes through my mind would damage my prospects.

The woman looked her over again with a softened glance, touched, perhaps, by the tremor that shook her visitor's voice. "Mademoiselle est souffrante?" "Non, madame, pas trop, ce n'est pas ça mais il y a quelqu'un qui est en danger quelqu'un qu'il faut prévenir. Si je peux trouver un taxi " "Gaston! Vite! Cherche un taxi pour mademoiselle. Va!"

"For the present I am de trop" he wrote, "but I will see you before you go away. All happiness to Aurora and her chosen husband." Impossibility is a wonderful extinguisher of desire; and what suffering was left to him was not so much a sickness as the languor of convalescence.

"I will forgive him." "Les âmes dont j'aurai besoin, Et les étoiles sont trop loin; Je mourral dans un coin." How Hugh shook off Lady Newhaven when she followed him out of the Palace he did not know. There had been some difficulty. She had spoken to him, had urged something upon him. But he had got rid of her somehow, and had found himself sitting in his bedroom at the Southminster Hotel.

At all events when he made known to her what he had done, and requested her to sound me on the subject, she was in no pleasant humour. Il est trop noir." To my astonishment, my mother flew at me, and I received such an avalanche of boxes on the ears for this reply, that I was glad to make my escape as fast as I could, and locked myself up in my own room.

"Yes, I know these Normandy beauties!" scorned one of the ladies, betraying in spite of herself a tinge of jealousy. "Rustics! Quite unpolished and de trop," chimed in another fair one, cat-like in her verbal claws. "Laugh away, ladies," said de Praille gayly. "You shall see a real Norman beauty, and then see how jealous you will all become at sight of her."

The book is I think a true picture of the latter end of the life and court of that weak wretch Louis XV., not overcharged, and so many of the facts being incontestable, you may take the whole story for a true one, no one part being more improbable than another. Will you have it sent? It is dear, half-a-guinea; un recit trop graveleux pour etre recommande aux dames.