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"Big boss officer man," replied Joeboy calmly enough. "Say want more mealies there. Make haste and be quick. Ought to have gone there last night. Wake all up and say come along." "Oh," said Moriarty thoughtfully; and then, as I waited with my trepidation increasing, to my great surprise and relief he said a few words to those with him, which I could not catch; then aloud, in Dutch, "All right.

To my satisfaction, she exhibited no signs of trepidation, if she did not appear altogether delighted that I was to have another opportunity of distinguishing myself. In fact as soon as the detective had followed Colonel Maitland from the room, she told me that she was glad. "I don't fear for you a scrap, Jim. At least not much," she said. "I know you won't do anything foolish, for my sake."

Even had it not been so, the dear old china shepherdess would have worried herself to death with fears for her son, and with general trepidation occasioned by their having such an inmate. Even had that not been so, the authority to which the Minor Canon deferred officially, would have settled the point. 'Mr.

Now no more petty bickering between you two foolish boys. Don't look so desolated, Bobbie; Mr. Douglass does not intend this as a preamble to his resignation; he is not going to leave us. There are no quitters on the C Bar." "Let me write the check," she continued, in hasty trepidation, not daring to look at the man she had so audaciously preëmpted to their service.

Sir: Referring to your cablegram under date of May 22d last, directing me to secure live animals for the Smithsonian Institute, to be sent home on the flagship "Chicago" on its arrival at this port, I have to report that I proceeded with more or less trepidation to accomplish the same, the wild animals of Madagascar being exceedingly alive.

Whereupon Rosamond, in a voice as if she were telling the story to a small child, began: "Once upon a time there was a wee bit mousiekie, that lived in Giberatie O that trotted out of her hole upon an exploring expedition. By and by she came scuttling back in a state of great trepidation in fact, horribly nervous.

It was positively with trepidation that he presented himself before her very soon after his arrival; and an undeniable blush "mantled" his cheek if a blush can be said with any propriety to mantle the male cheek when he marched into the drawing-room, where she was doing a dainty bit of embroidery, and with much simplicity and directness said, "You said I might come, you know, and I have come; and I begged of Ethel to come too, but she could not leave my aunt," before he had so much as shaken hands.

"The portrait, Charles; what have you done with the portrait?" exclaimed Captain Blessington, actuated by a sudden recollection, and with a trepidation in his voice and manner that spoke volumes of despair to the younger De Haldimar. "This is our only hope of solving the mystery. Quick, give me the portrait, if you have it."

The poor fellow was shaking with trepidation, with fear of what was to happen; and if his thoughts had been vague before, and not a little muddled, if terror of the law had somewhat disconcerted him, and upset his equilibrium during and after his cross-examination, terror of the future had made him now little more than a babbling idiot an object, indeed, for the contemptuous glances of the police inspector and for his gibes and sallies.

But then she was a miserable woman, more to be pitied than scorned. After long doubt, and with great trepidation, she put her fingers to her lips, and taking the Prince's slate with the sponge tied to it, ready to rub out the writing in a minute she wrote: "You are a king." Prince Dolor started. His face grew pale, and then flushed all over; he held himself erect.