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"That's the way it suits me to put it. You can do it to me once you have done it but this is where this partickler little busy bee stops makin' honey for the town of Smyrna to lap up at one mouthful. That special town-meetin' comes along all handy for me. You notice I ain't objectin' to havin' it held."

"I've been tryin' to git a chance to put in a word with you ever sence Well, I expected you'd want to get your feelin's kind o' calloused after losin' Tobin." "There's nobody can fill his place," said the widow. "I do' know but I can fight for ye town-meetin' days, on a pinch," urged Jefferson boldly. "I never see the beat o' you men fur conceit," and Mrs. Tobin laughed.

Wall, when the mornin' of town-meetin' came, that critter wus so awful clever that nothin' to do but what he must help Josiah do the chores. And amongst other chores Josiah had to do that mornin', wus to carry home a plow that belonged to old Dagget.

You couldn't be elected hog-reeve in Smyrna to-day." The Cap'n glared at him, voiceless for the moment. "I know it hurts, but I'm tellin' you the truth," Hiram went on, remorselessly. "If they don't stand up and give three cheers in town-meetin' to-morrow when you hand in your resignation I'll be much surprised." "Who's been lyin' about me?" demanded the first selectman.

"Well, no, not exactly," he said. "That's the town hall. Nobody lives there but the selectmen and they ain't permanent boarders that is, I have hopes some of 'em 'll move after town-meetin' day. Our house is over yonder, down nigh the shore." The old horse pricked up his ears at sight of home and the buggy moved faster. It rolled through the main street, where the Captain and Mr.

That's just what you are," said Miss Butterworth, laughing in spite of herself. "Well, ye can whittle any sort of a head out of a block," said Jim imperturbably. "Let's have done with joking," said the tailoress solemnly. "I hain't been jokin'," said Jim. "I'm in 'arnest. I been thinkin' o' ye ever sence the town-meetin'. I been kinder livin' on yer looks.

"I've been tryin' to git a chance to put in a word with you ever sence Well, I expected you'd want to get your feelin's kind o' calloused after losin' Tobin." "There's nobody can fill his place," said the widow. "I do' know but I can fight for ye town-meetin' days, on a pinch," urged Jefferson boldly. "I never see the beat o' you men fur conceit," and Mrs. Tobin laughed.

Nicholas helped himself to another half cup of tea, after holding the teapot tentatively across to Mary's mug. "Yes," he answered, in his dry and gentle fashion, "I've got home." Hattie began rocking, in a rapid staccato, to punctuate her speech. "Well," she began, "I'll say my say an' done with it. There's goin' to be a town-meetin' to-night, an' Nicholas sent me over to mention it.

And never said nothin' about it?" "Why should I say anything about it? 'Twas addressed to me as town clerk, and was concernin' a matter to be took up with the board of s'lectmen. I ain't in the habit of hollerin' town affairs through a speakin' trumpet. Folks that vote for me town-meetin' day know that, I guess. Angie Phinney says to me only yesterday, 'Mr.

You ain't seen Abner Payne; he's out of town " "Don't have to see him. He's made me an offer and I'll write and accept it." "But you've got to have a selectmen's permit to move " "Got it. I went up and saw the chairman an hour ago. He's a friend of mine. I nominated him town-meetin' day." "But," stammered Phinney, very much upset by the suddenness of it all, "you ain't got my price nor "