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"It's all very disgustin', and I do hope the Lazar-house won't do it again." "Do what?" a King's boy cried furiously. "Kill a poor innocent cat every time you want to get off washing. It's awfully hard to distinguish between you as it is. I prefer the cat, I must say. She isn't quite so whiff. What are you goin' to do, Beetle?" "Je vais gloater. Je vais gloater tout le blessed afternoon.

Bagwell waiting at the office after dinner, away she and I to a cabaret where she and I have eat before, and there I had her company 'tout' and had 'mon plaisir' of 'elle'. But strange to see how a woman, notwithstanding her greatest pretences of love 'a son mari' and religion, may be 'vaincue'. Thence to the Court of the Turkey Company at Sir Andrew Rickard's to treat about carrying some men of ours to Tangier, and had there a very civil reception, though a denial of the thing as not practicable with them, and I think so too.

To use de Boigne's words, written in 1790: "le respect .... envers la maison de Timour regnait a tel point que, quoique toute la peninsule se fut sucessivement soustraite a son autorite, aucun prince .... de l'Inde ne s'etait arroge le titre de souverain. Sindhia partageait le respect, et Shah Alam etait toujours assis sur le Trone Mogol, et tout se faisait en son nom."

The engine got under way after several feints; which pleased the Germans so that they sent several scout planes right over the station, train, us et tout.

"Au revoir you will return tout le monde revient Guillaume le Conquerant, like Caesar, conquers once to hold forever remember " From Monsieur Paul, in quieter, richer tones, came his true farewell, the one we had looked for: "The evenings in the Marmousets will seem lonely when it rains you must give us the hope of a quick return. Hope is the food of those who remain behind, as we Normans say!"

And young Silver seemed surprisingly kind. Big men usually were. The young man got off his pony, came to the edge of the cliff, and gave the perspiring tout his hand. With a heave and a lurch Joses scrambled to the top. How strong the fellow was! No horse would ever get away with him. "Good of you," panted the fat man, rising to his feet. "Not at all," replied Silver.

The celebrity they acquired in the field of Venus may readily be imagined from a quatrain that was affixed in a conspicuous part of the Church of St. Hyacinthe, and which runs thus: "Femmes qui désirez de devenir enceinte Addressez cy vos vœux au grand Saint Hyacinthe, Et tout ce que pour vous le Saint ne pourra faire Les moines de céans pourront y satisfaire.

Le Ray of the brig Grenadier and Captain Maturkin of the brig Achilles, my colleagues for France and Russia. 'Oct. 15. In reply I said that my power was limited, that I had my orders and they were, to receive the Island of Karabusa from the Greeks, and to hold it in the name of the Allies until I received orders to surrender it to the Turks. Voila tout!

Offord came down again, but the spell was broken, the great sign being that the conversation was for the first time not directed. It wandered and stumbled, a little frightened, like a lost child it had let go the nurse's hand. "The worst of it is that now we shall talk about my health c'est la fin de tout," Mr.

We have another class of men, who are pleased to consider themselves antagonists of the foregoing, and whom we may term hypergelasts; the excessive laughers, ever-laughing, who are as clappers of a bell, that may be rung by a breeze, a grimace; who are so loosely put together that a wink will shake them. ... C'est n'estimer rien qu'estioner tout le monde,