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Your return alone's enough to keep us from laughter." "All right," the old man stumbled on. "I was raised on stories of that room even before my father shot himself there. Later on I saw Katherine's father die in the big bed, and after that I never cared to go near the place unless I had to. The other night, when I made up my mind to sleep there, I tried to tell myself all this talk was tommyrot.

I don't know this, of course; I advance it merely as a possibility." Mr. Latham turned to Mr. Schultze and Mr. Czenki with a triumphant smile. Diamonds in meteors! Tommyrot! "Of course," the detective resumed, "the whole investigation centers about this man Wynne.

Lalage's letter continued: "There is nothing equal to a university life for broadening out the mind and enlarging one's horizon. Our object is to check by every legitimate means the spread of tommyrot in this country and the world generally. There is a great deal too much of it and something ought to be done to make people jolly well ashamed of themselves before it is too late.

How do you suppose that a man who is on the point of committing murder is going to stand there for sixteen seconds, without drawing his breath?" "Lord, what tommyrot! Platonic love for a woman of that class! You must have tumbled out of the nest unfledged, my lad!"

The prospect before us, if Lalage is anything of a judge, and I suppose she must be, is sufficiently serious to justify the existence of the society. "Each member of the committee is pledged to expose in the press by means of scathing articles, and thus hound out of public life any man, whatever his position, who is caught talking tommyrot.

Hillard felt of his collar and drew down his cuffs. "Probably some joke," he ventured tentatively. "If it isn't, the man who would stoop to such tommyrot and tack the name of his club to it must be an ass." "No doubt about that. Odd that this is the first time I have heard about it." But silently Hillard was swearing at his folly.

Is it not astonishing that any person intelligent enough to teach school would talk such tommyrot to students and look serious while doing so? And yet I read only a few weeks ago, on page 124 of a little book recently issued by a prominent New York minister, the following: "Man has grown up in this universe gradually developing his powers and functions as responses to his environment.

You can monkey with your brain, an' make it believe all sorts of tommyrot, but your heart is dead on to you, an' when it once sets in hankerin' it means business." Claire nodded unseeingly to her own reflection in the glass. "Now my idea is," Martha continued, "my idea is, if you got somethin' loomin', why, don't hide your face an' play it isn't there.

Why, you poor, credulous baa-lamb of a trustful idiot, when you let me go off to file them papers, don't you see you give me the chance to rob you of a mine worth, just as she stands, 'most any amount of money you chance to mention? Not you! You let me ride off without a misgivin'." "Pish!" remarked Stan scornfully. "Twaddle! Tommyrot! Pickles!" Pete wagged a solemn forefinger.

And when I'm told that I ought to be thankful for some such tommyrot as that, it makes me just want to go out and shoot somebody! Imagine what I'D have gotten if I'd have introduced the glad game to that man!" laughed Pollyanna. "I don't care. He needed it," answered Jimmy. "Of course he did but he wouldn't have thanked me for giving it to him." "I suppose not. But, listen!