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Short rope halters barely five feet long were stripped from the horses, knotted round the prisoners' necks, and fastened to the limb of a juniper tree. Taggart climbed to the high wagon seat, took a header and broke his neck. The wagon was then pulled away and Lee strangled. With Cleveland, Lee, and Taggart dead, Engineer Webster and La Fer were fairly well avenged.

"No," said Taggart. He did not look at Betty and his face was scarlet. "So you lied, eh? Lied about a woman! There's only one place for that kind of a man. Crawl an' tell her you're a snake!" Taggart had partly recovered his composure. "Guess again," he sneered. "You're buttin' in where " Calumet dropped his pistol and took a quick step.

Friend, eh? Well, mebbe. But you noticed that he didn't offer to shake hands with Taggart. An' he wouldn't drink. Reached his capacity! He had four in here. Sober as a judge! Did you notice his eyes? They fair made me shiver when he looked at me when I was talkin' about his old man. I'm goin' to be damn careful about my palaver after this. Friend!

Then turning, his back to Taggart, who had come close to him, he looked at Betty, steadily, intently, with a command showing so plainly in his eyes that the girl involuntarily started. "Betty," he said slowly; "come here."

"Then you will never do for authorship at least for this kind." "So I begin to think what shall I do?" Taggart took snuff. "You were talking of a great work what shall it be?" Taggart took snuff. "Do you think I could write one?" Taggart uplifted his two forefingers as if to tap, he did not, however. "It would require time," said I, with half a sigh. Taggart tapped his box.

Taggart an' his dad is somewhere around here I was to meet them down the river a piece. Telza double-crossed me; tried to sneak over here an' hunt the idol himself. I found him he had the diagram. I tried to get it from him he stuck his toad-sticker in me, . . . the little copper-skinned devil. He " He hesitated and choked, raising himself as though to get a long breath.

But as it turned out it wasn't necessary. I sure appreciated your tender-heartedness toward them poor dumb brutes of the Taggarts. "After you set the Taggarts to walkin' home, I took Telza to Lazette an' locked him up for murderin' Sharp." "I reckon, then," said Calumet, a puzzled frown wrinkling his forehead as he looked from Taggart to the freshly dug hole; "that somebody else killed Taggart.

He reddened and eyed her with a decidedly crestfallen air. "I ain't so much stuck on monkeyin' with them religious things," he admitted. Again a doubt arose in his mind concerning her relations with Neal Taggart. The fact that she had not divulged the hiding place of the idol to him was proof that if he had been trying to deceive her he had not succeeded.

If Taggart hasn't gone by this time he will be hidden somewhere over there and when he sees you he will shoot you!" "Well," he said, watching her face with a curious smile; "I'm takin' a look, anyway." In spite of her efforts to prevent him he stepped over the threshold.

We felt bad about Nebraska and Taylor, and were determined not to leave without some of the treasure, and after Ezela showed us where it was I kept her busy talking while Taggart got about as much as he could carry. Ezela offered no objections; on the other hand, when Taggart came back she told me to get some of the treasure too.