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"I'd knock the heads o' these young scamps t'gether yessir! I could do it, too!". "Talk's a good dog, uncle," said a young man. The old man turned on him so ferociously that he fled. "Run, condemn yeh! I own y' can beat me at that." His face was not unpleasant, though his teeth were mainly gone, and his skin the color of leather and wrinkled as a pan of cream.

"Don't, Cis!" he pleaded tenderly. "Oh, please don't! Ain't y' got me? That's pretty nice, ain't it? 'Cause we're t'gether. Here I am, Cis! Right in reach, almost. Close by! Don't cry!" But she was not listening. "Oh, Mother, why did you go and leave me?" she wept. "Oh, Mother, I want you so much!" Johnnie began to argue with her, gently: "But, Cis, think how Mister Perkins likes y'! My!

My hired man, an' not three shirts to yer back!" "That's another; I've got four. Say, old man, did you ever work out for a living?" "That's none o' your business," growled Bacon, a little taken down. "I've worked, an' scraped, an' got t'gether a little prop'ty here, an' they ain't no sucker like you goun' to come 'long here, an' live off me, an' spend my prop'ty after I'm dead.

"Was it dad?" she asked. "Did you think " "Yes, it was your father. I thought he went out of his way to be well, kinda short, you know. I was only trying t' be decent." "Dad's funny," she said reflectively. "Whenever we get to a chuck-hole, where all of us ought to pull t'gether, he goes slack on the tugs. He's like Ben that way.

"I've worked an' scraped, an' got t'gether a little prop'ty here, an' they ain't no sucker like you goun' to come 'long here, an' live off me, an' spend my prop'ty after I'm dead. You can jest bet high on that." "Who's goin' t' live on ye?" "You're aimun' to." "I ain't, neither." "Yes, y'are. You've loafed on me ever since I hired ye."

I'm getting to look at those lean ones as a very bad dream." Dick's young helper handed them a proof-sheet, and after looking over the work for a few moments, Mr. Wicks said: "That new Association meets t'-night, don't it?" Dick nodded; and the old gentleman continued carelessly, as he arose to go, "Stop fer me when you go by, will you? An' we'll go down t'gether."

He had been telling me of a panther he had met in the woods, one day, and how the creature ran away at the sight of him. 'Why's a panther 'fraid o' folks? I enquired. 'Wall, ye see, they used t' be friendly, years 'n years ago folks 'n panthers but they want eggszac'ly cal'lated t' git along t'gether some way. An' ol' she panther gin 'em one uv her cubs, a great while ago, jes t' make frien's.

Girl, I'm tellin' ye straight an' true he'll never marry ye. His kind don't marry Tenth Av'ner girls Nooport an' Fifth Av'ner's a good ways from Hell's Kitchen an' Tenth Av'ner, an' they can't ever come t'gether, I reckon." "Ah!" sighed she, falling back a step, "what do you mean?"

Th' one with th' wart on her chin, that was engaged for matrimoney to Sid Gilman till one day they was ridin' t'gether, an' Sid's cayuse slips into a gopher hole, an' Sid falls off an' sprains his ankle, an' lets loose such a string o' cuss words that Jennie "

Might come handy, some time; only Tige, he hates the sound of it like he hates porkypines or badgers. "Mary and me and Tige laid up in Los Angeles fer a spell, resting the cattle. All greasers, down there and fleas and take the two t'gether, they jest about wore out the hull kit and b'ilin' of us. "What's pesterin' the ole feller?