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For a moment her pale beautiful face was filled with a light that might have shone from the face of an angel, "Don't you understand?" she continued, scarcely above a whisper. "I have been Strang's one great love his life until Marion came into his heart. I have lost you have lost but mine is the more bitter because Marion loves you, and Strang " With a cry Nathaniel sprang to her side.

It would be madness for him to go down to St. James. He had lost Strang had won. But his love for Marion was undying. If he found her Strang's wife it would make no difference to him. It would all be evened up when he killed the king. For Marion loved him loved him

Even then he would have failed, had it not been for the patient's catlike vitality and almost uncanny physical and mental grip on life. There were days of high temperature and delirium; days of heart-sinking when Strang's pulse was barely perceptible; days when he lay conscious, eyes weary and drawn, the sweat of pain on his face.

From what Strang's wife had told him and the evidences of panic in the chambers of the harem he believed that the Mormon king had abandoned the castle to its fate and that the approaching conflict would center about the temple. Was Marion at the temple? If so he realized that she was beyond his reach. But the woman had said that she was not there. Where could she have gone?

"Go on, John Berber. What you have to say is always interesting." It was said calmly, with almost maternal encouragement, but the fingers absorbed in the bright silks fumbled and erred. "Used to think" words such as these filtered like sunlight to the hope lying deep in Evelyn Strang's heart. But young Berber leaned upon his garden fork, looking past her.

A couple o' shells from our little popper up topside will settle her hash all right. Another order echoed from aft. Strang's voice had a curious hollow sound, like a shout in a tunnel. Ken felt the vessel rising beneath him. Men sprang up the steel ladder leading to the conning tower.

Another time, when Strang's condition seemed more promising, the brother said: "Doc, you're a wonder, and all this time I've forgotten to ask your name." "None of your damn business. Don't bother me. Get out." The mangled right arm ceased from its healing, burst open again in a frightful wound. "Necrosis," said Linday. "That does settle it," groaned the brother. "Shut up!" Linday snarled.

'Very well, he said sullenly. 'I have no choice. 'Look out for treachery, sir, said Ken in a low voice. 'That man means mischief, I believe. 'He is an ugly looking beggar. But what can he do? The words were hardly out of his mouth before the black-browed officer flung up his arm, with a pistol gripped in his fist, and fired straight at Commander Strang's head.

"Marion " He leaned forward eagerly, questioning. "Tell me " "My sister, Captain Plum!" It seemed to Nathaniel that every fiber in his body was stretched to the breaking point. He reached out, dazed by what he had heard and with both hands seized Neil's arm. "Your sister who came to you at the whipping-post?" "That was Marion." "And Strang's wife?" "No!" cried Neil. "No not his wife!"

As he dropped silently back to the ground the councilor came close to his side. "That's enough for to-night, Nat," he whispered. He made as if to slip away but Nathaniel detained him with an emphatic hand. "Not yet, Dad! I'd like to have a word with this " "With Strang's wife," chuckled Obadiah. "Ho, ho, ho, Nat, you're a rascal!"