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It is said that the beaver goes so far as to bundle up small branches of trees and willows which he stows away in the muddy bottom of the river.

"This is drawn," says Steele, "on the attorney for the estate, and when you present it he will give you a check for " "Thanks," says Gerald, reachin' trembly for the voucher. For a minute he stands gazin' at it before he stows it away careful in an inside vest pocket. Then all of a sudden he seems to straighten up. He squares his shoulders and stiffens his jaw. "Evelyn!" he sings out.

It was not Cap'n Abe at all! "Mornin', young feller," said the stranger cordially. "You'll have to explain a leetle about them hooks. I ain't had a chance to overhaul much of Abe's cargo yet. I don't even know where he stows his small tackle. Do you?" Fully a minute did Lawford Tapp keep him waiting for an answer while he stared at the stranger.

Seeing a woman seated knitting at the door of a little cottage, I asked her in English the name of the old, ruinous house? "Cadogan Hall, sir," she replied. "And whom does it belong to?" said I. "I don't know exactly," replied the woman, "but Mr Morris at the farm holds it, and stows his things in it." "Can you tell me anything about it?" said I.

"Oh, in corse he stows hisself away in the boat with a lifebelt, and gets washed ashore; and he kills a tiger for 'is breakfast, and " "It's a pity you waste your time over bosh like that," said Reginald, not interested to hear the conclusion of the heroic Tim's adventures; "if you're fond of reading, why don't you get something better?" "No fear I like jam; don't you make no error, governor."

I could not tell whether to lay out my money for books of pleasure, as plays, which my nature was most earnest in; but at last, after seeing Chaucer, Dugdale's History of Paul's, Stows London, Gesner, History of Trent, besides Shakespeare, Jonson, and Beaumont's plays, I at last chose Dr.

When those loud cries break forth close at hand, he knows his fears were not without foundation. John Craig is also suddenly brought to a realization of the fact that he has hardly been prudent in his action. He stows the paper away with a single movement of his hand. It is precious to him, and must be kept for future study.

Every merchant has his own room, or division, in the hold, in which he stows his own goods, sometimes lodging along with them. These junks have only two masts, a main and fore, the latter having a square-sail and yard, and the former a sail that is narrow aloft, like a sloop's main-sail. In fine weather they have also a top-sail, which, in foul weather, they lower to the deck, yard and all.

Being essentially Scotch, Jim managed to time his meals so as to last over. And sometimes if a boat was stuck on a sand-bar he did the MacFadden act for a whole day. It became a sort of joke in the office, and we hear of Mr. Bass, the agent, shouting up to the pilot-house of a steamboat, "Avast there, sir, for five minutes until Jim Hill stows his hold."

"We shall be obliged to force it." "Try the cellar, Captain," said Blueskin, stamping upon a large board in the ground. "Here's the door. This is the way the old thief brings in all his heavy plunder, which he stows in out-of-the-way holes in his infernal dwelling. I've seen him often do it."