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The gateway is surmounted by an inscription referring to the two Arundells of the Great Rebellion; above is a niche containing a bust of Christ and the words "SUB NOMINE TUO STET GENUS ET DOMUS." The entrance to the stairs, an arch in the Classic Renaissance style, is a picturesque and much-admired corner of the ruin.

"This was a routing station for key Nathian families," he said. "Trained refugees. An old dodge ... been used as long as there've been " "But five hundred years, Stet!" "I don't care if it was five thousand years!" barked Stetson. "We've intercepted some scraps since then that were written in the same code. The bland confidence of that! Wouldn't that gall you?" He shook his head.

"But, darling ... of course. She " "You'd better take me to her and fast!" snapped Orne. He touched the stud at his neck, but Stetson's voice intruded. "Great work, Lew! We're moving in a special shock force. Can't take any chances with " Orne spoke aloud in panic: "Stet! You get out to the Bullones! And you get there alone! No troops!" Diana had jumped to her feet, backed away from him.

Find out if Heleb was one of the planets they seeded." "Right. Hang on." There was a long silence, then: "Lew, this is Stet. How come the question about Heleb?" "Was it on that Nathian list?" "Negative. Why'd you ask?" "Are you sure, Stet? It'd explain a lot of things." "It's not on the lists, but ... wait a minute." Silence.

Three of these traders one day returned to our frontier wearing upon necklaces, inextricably attached to their throats, their own ears, noses, and other parts of their own persons, torn away by the pincers of the Kandyan executioners. The seven others had sunk under their sufferings. Observe that there had been no charge or imputation against these men, more or less: stet proratione voluntas.

Wind hard from the S. E and See looked in the after part of the Day breaking with great force against the Scattering rocks at Some distance from Shore, and the ruged rockey points under which we wer obleged to pass and if we had unfortunately made one false Stet we Should eneviateably have fallen into the Sea and dashed against the rocks in an instant, fortunately we passed over 3 of those dismal points and arived on a butifull Sand Shore on which we Continued for 2 miles, Crossed a Creek 80 yards near 5 Cabins, and proceeded to the place the whale had perished, found only the Skelleton of this monster on the Sand between 2 of the villages of the Kil a mox nation; the Whale was already pillaged of every valuable part by the Kil a mox Inds. in the vecinity of whose village's it lay on the Strand where the waves and tide had driven up & left it. this Skeleton measured 105 feet.

"When you've all finished," said Radley, "I'll read the Prize Poem." So Radley began faithfully from a manuscript: "Horace, Odes I, 9. Vides ut Alta Stet. "White is the mountain, fleeced in snows, And the pale trees depress their weighted boughs " "Oh, spare us!" interrupted Chappy. "Not a bit," said Radley.

After all, he is supposed to be here for a rest." Her answer was lost as Orne entered the hall, closed the door. In the privacy of his room, Orne pressed the transceiver stud at his neck, said: "Stet?" A voice hissed in his ears: "This is Mr. Stetson's relief. Orne, isn't it?" "Yes. I want a check right away on those Nathian records the archaeologists found.

Ideas at compound interest in the mind. Be aye sticking in an idea, while you're sleeping it'll be growing. Seed of a thought to-day, flower to-morrow next week ten years from now, etc. Article by and by for the.... Stet. "PROTESTANTISM MEANS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. BUT IT IS AFRAID OF ITS OWN LOGIC. Stet. No logical resting-place short of None of your business. Did it though?

Headaches every morning, debts and disgrace, varied by occasional imprisonments." "The Emperor sits naked in a grotto at the foot of Soracte." "Vides ut alta stet nive candidum, Soracte." "As we are speaking, life the envious flits away. Enjoy the present day, nor trust the morrow!" "And the Pope is going to hold a midnight mass he who has no faith in it himself."