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"'Two stern-faced men set out from Lynn, Through the cold and heavy mist; And Eugene Aram walked between, With gyves upon his wrist." "My dear child," said Aunt Victoria sternly, "what is it you are trying to say? and how often are you to be told not to work yourself up into such a state of excitement about nothing?" "Don't you know about Eugene Aram, Aunt Victoria?"

Hacket said: "Let us walk up to the jail and spend a few minutes with Amos." We hurried to the jail. The sheriff, a stout-built, stern-faced man, admitted us. "Can we see the Grimshaw boy?" Mr. Hacket inquired. "I guess so," he answered as he lazily rose from his chair and took down a bunch of large keys which had been hanging on the wall. "His father has just left."

Wilkinson, into the drawing room, there to greet with effusive welcome a stern-faced, elderly lady, who met them with a broad smile, but who almost instantly, to her own infinite surprise and discomfiture, burst into tears. These rapidly abated, when there was heard a sound in the hall, a sound which the quick ears of Mr. Wilkinson distinguished at once.

Beecham proved to be an elderly, stern-faced gentleman. He stood in the doorway gazing at Tom. "Well, sir," he said at last. "Do you prefer my kitchen to my dining-room, sir?" "No, Mr. Beecham, I don't," answered Tom. "But in these clothes, wet to the skin, it would be an intrusion to go farther than the kitchen." It was an answer that Mr. Beecham appreciated.

Also that lime outcrop proved to be an uninteresting spot overlooking a wide valley which seemed to suggest that there were other valleys of a similar sort beyond it, and nothing more. Captain Robertson sat stern-faced and despondent at a distance muttering into his beard, as had become a habit with him.

Guilty; or, not guilty?" and the alcalde turned abruptly to Thure and Bud. "Not guilty," answered Thure, his face very white. "We " "That will do for the present," interrupted the alcalde. "Gentlemen, how shall the case be tried?" and he turned to the surrounding crowd of stern-faced men. "Give 'em a jury, an' git a-goin'," called a rough voice impatiently.

And Bessie Lonsdale had seen with pride and no twinge of jealousy the admiration in the eyes of that aristocratic, if somewhat stern-faced, old lady who was to be Peggy's mother-in-law, and who, with true Scotch propriety, had come all the way down to London to take her home with her. "I don't like leaving you alone," Peggy had said, as they kissed each other good-by.

The big front door opened and Elaine flung herself in the arms of an elderly, stern-faced, gray-haired man. "Why, Dad," she cried, "where have you been? I missed you so much at dinner. I'll be so glad when this terrible business gets cleared up. Tell me. What is on your mind? What is it that worries you now?"

The eyes of all were turned upon him, Westray, with fierce enmity and contempt, and it was he, Westray, that a stern-faced judge was sentencing, as a traducer and lying informer. Then the people in the galleries stamped with their feet and howled against him in their rage; and waking with a start, he knew that it was the postman's sharp knock on the street-door, that had broken his slumber.

"Wait stop a minute. To think of your going by right at the very minute that we were a-talking about you!" She went out under the trees where the square-built, stern-faced, swarthy young preacher had brought his horse to a standstill. "Now, Peter, you surely ain't a-going up to the court-house to see Andrew Jackson," she said in sudden alarm. "No, no, not now," said Peter, hurriedly.