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The old squire remembered the straight, broad-shouldered boy with his father's eyes and also remembered the debt he owed him, and with the vision of a stern-faced man with eyes of flame riding quietly at the head of his men across a shell-ploughed field, he wrote to Gordon to come. "If he's got half of his daddy in him he'll straighten 'em out," he said. So, Gordon became a school-teacher.

Let me sit down and think." So he was conducted to his throne upon which he sat trying to collect his mind, which I saw was weak with age. The end of it was that he called to his aid a stern-faced, shifty-eyed, middle-aged minister, whom after I came to know as the High-priest Larico, the private Councillor of himself and of his son, Urco, and one of the most powerful men in the kingdom.

"Gentlemen," began Wade, facing the little group of stern-faced men, "you all know why we are here. To a greater or lesser extent, we've all suffered from Race Moran's depredations, although until lately none of us knew his motive. Now, however, we know that there is gold here in the valley on our land which Moran is trying to get possession of.

What sounds of foreign hymns, forgotten now, were these, and what solemnity of debarkation? Was this grave form, Columbus? Yet these were not so Spanish as they seemed just now. This group of stern-faced men with high peaked hats, who knelt upon the cold deck and looked out upon a shore which, I could see by their joyless smile of satisfaction, was rough, and bare, and forbidding.

His reproach had been taken away; he was crowned among his kindred with the beauty and blessing of sacred yesterdays. When the singing ceased Malcolm's stern-faced son reached over and shook Robert's hands. "Uncle Rob," he said heartily, "I hope that when I'm sixty I'll be as successful a man as you."

Her deep-set eyes darted restlessly, even warily about her as she sat there in the midst of this throng of strange, stern-faced men. Now and then they went appealingly to Mrs. Gwyn or Viola or to the sheriff's wife, and always they seemed to be asking: "What are they going to do to me?"

The rider was a stern-faced man, hard of mouth and dry of eye, with a heavy sword clanking at his side, and a stiff white bundle swathed in linen balanced across the pommel of his saddle. "The king's messenger," he bawled as he came up to them. "The messenger of the king. Clear the causeway for the king's own man."

Some god commands that I shall die. So be it, I am glad to die; would that I had not been born to know grief and death. Tell me, O Prophet, what evil power is there which ordains that we must be born and suffer?" Kepher beckoned to Tua and to Asti, and they followed him, leaving Janees ringed round by those stern-faced men. "Farewell, Lady," he called to Tua as she passed.

The light of battle was in his keen, quick, luminous eyes. His face was set and stern. There was no mercy in the set of his jaws, in the drawn shaggy brows. He was out to rid the country, his country, of a scourge, a pestilence neither he nor his fellow townsmen would tolerate. The rest of the vigilantes rode behind him, no less stern-faced than their leader.

A moment later he dragged a limp victim from under the struggling group. This unexpected interruption by an unknown man in uniform, together with the appearance of a stern-faced man in spectacles at an upper window, had an instant effect on the crowd. The strikers began to slink out of the yards, while the three assaulted men dusted their clothes and entered the factory.