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For all the crowd would be so swell, in just the same fine sort of jeans they wear at home, and all the queens with spiffy bonnets on their beans, and all the fellows standing round a-talkin' always, I'll be bound, the same good jolly kind of guff, 'bout autos, politics and stuff and baseball players of renown that Nice Guys talk in my home town!

She must have speeded up some Fifth Avenue modiste's establishment to the limit, but she's turned the trick, I'll say. Uh-huh! Not only the latest model evening gown, but she's had her hair done up spiffy, and she's got on a set of jewels that would make a pawnbroker's bride turn green. "Z-z-zing!" says I, catchin' my breath. "Excuse me, but I didn't know you were going to dress the part."

The girl was slim, dainty, gorgeously arrayed, and her keen, fair face bore traces of paint wet by perspiration. Her companion was Captain Vane Thesel, in citizen's garb, well-built, ruddy-faced, with tiny curled moustache. "Hurry, kid," he said, breathlessly, as he pulled at her. "We'll run down and take a spin." "Spiffy! But let's wait till after the next," she replied.

"Cut the next with Ned. We'll sneak down and take a ride in my car...." "Oh, spiffy!" Lane's acutely strained attention was diverted by Blair's voice. "Look who's with my sister Margie." Lane turned to look through an open space in the dispersing stream. Blair's sister was passing with Dick Swann. Elegantly and fastidiously attired, the young millionaire appeared to be attentive to his partner.

You see, I have to sneak away, or lie to mother and say I've gone to Gail's or somewhere." "Bathing, at night?" queried Lane, curiously. "Sure thing. It's spiffy, in the dark." "Of course you took your bathing suits?" "Hot dog! That would be telling." Lane dropped his head and studied the dust at his feet. His heart beat thick and heavy. Through this girl the truth was going to be revealed to him.

Then we unpacks them suitcases of Whitey's and distributes the things. Such regalias, too! What Mr. Robert draws is mostly two colored tights, spangled trunks, a gorgeous cape, peak-toed shoes of red leather, and a sword. Maybe he didn't look some spiffy in it!

"It's another bargain," she returned deliberately, "if you just don't spend enough time with me to make me stuck on you then throw me down. On the level, now, Daren?" "I'll meet you as often as you want. And I'll be your friend as long as you prove to me I can be of any help, or pleasure, or good to you." "Hot dog, but you're taking some job, Daren. Won't it be just spiffy?

Aren't I spiffy?" She pirouetted in the doorway. Eileen gripped the brush she was wielding, tight. "You have good taste," she said. "It's a pretty dress, but You're always howling about things being suitable. Do you call that suitable for school?"

The mail began to arrive on time, the king soon became popular again in the outlying regions, and Sir Reginald retired to spend the rest of his days in a spiffy castle on top of a hill, with his totally gorgeous wife and, later, seventeen children. How the Noble Percival Won the Fair Arissa

"I'll say so. And Dick and I are considered pretty spiffy." "I don't think much of it, Helen," replied Lane, deliberately. "If you care to to do that sort of thing I'd imagine you'd rather do it alone." "Oh Lord, you talk like mother," she exclaimed. "Lane, you're out of date," said Swann, with a little sneer. Lane took a long, steady glance at Swann, but did not reply.