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"Oh, we all do, of course," spoke Cleo, the first to mingle words with her delight. "Who wouldn't love a ride in that big, spiffy limousine!" "Well, thank you just the same, but I don't, just today," Grace surprised them with answering. "I have an appointment with Brother Benny." "Oh!" said Winnie McKay significantly. "I see!" drawled her sister Norma. "Suit yourself," deprecated Cleo.

"Look at Helen's spiffy suit!" "Oh, money, money, what it will buy!" "Money'll never buy me, I'll say." "Marg, who's been fermentin' round lately? Girls, get wise to the flowers." "Hot dog! See Marg blush! That comes from being so pale. What are rouge and lip-stick and powder for but to hide truth from our masculine pursuers?" "Floss, you haven't blushed for a million years."

"Well, young man?" says she. "Why," says I, "not so well as I was a couple of minutes er that it's a fine, spiffy afternoon, ain't it?" "Spiffy!" says she, drawin' in her breath menacin'. "Vassarese for lovely," says I. "But I don't insist on the word. By the way, is Miss Vee in?" "She is," says Aunty. "This is not Friday evening, however."

And, at that, I wa'n't sufferin' exactly; for when them actorines got too weird, all I had to do was swing a bit in my seat and I had a side view of a spiffy little white fur boa, with a pink ear-tip showin' under a ripple of corn-colored hair, and a well, I had something worth watching that's all. "Wasn't that last thing stupid?" says Vee.

I must say, though, that for a party who's been crossed off the dividend list for more'n a year, he's chuckin' a good bluff. Some spiffy bachelor apartments these are that I locates tubbed bay trees out front, tapestry panels in the reception-room, and a doorman uniformed like a rear-admiral.

He told her flatly that she looked like a French grisette of the music halls, and ought to be ashamed to be seen in such attire. "Daren, I don't think you're a good judge of clothes these days," she observed, complacently. "The boys will say I look spiffy in this." So many times Lorna's trenchant remarks silenced Lane. She hit the nail on the head.

Not that all the lady members of the Country Club set are shrinkin' violets who go around costumed in Quaker gray and whisper their remarks modest. Some are about as spiffy dressers as you'll see anywhere and a few are what I'd call speedy performers. But somehow you know who they are and where they came from, and make allowances. They're in the swim, anyway. The trouble might be with Garvey.

And they got a spiffy night for it, ain't they?" "I think Auntie might have taken us along," says Vee, a bit pouty. "We're no treasure hunters," I reminds her. "We're just to help out the pleasure-cruisin' bluff. Who there is to put it over on I don't quite catch, though. Ain't there any population in this part of the map?"

Had he just plain buffaloed me, or what? If he had, who was his swell lady friend? And how did she come to be waitin' there in the taxi? By the way she was costumed she might have been on her way to some dinner dance on Fifth Avenue. That was a perfectly spiffy evening dress she had on, what there was of it. And I could remember jewels sparklin' here and there.

"I I'm so tired and and so happy! It has been the most successful Wednesday I've had for some time, hasn't it?" "Has it?" says Tessie. "Why, Auntie, this was a knockout, one of the kind you read about. Honest, even when I was fittin' corsets for the carriage trade, I never got so close to such a spiffy bunch. But we had the goods to hand 'em caviar sandwiches, rum for the tea, fizz in the punch.