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The aunt, house-keeper, had invited the nephew, butler, to take a dish of tea with her, and rum-punch had now succeeded the souchong. "Well, Aunt Quarles, is it your meaning to undertake a new master?" "Don't know, nephy can't say yet what he'll be like: if he'll leave us as we are, won't say wont."

"Only the divvle's in the luck, there's not a fresh egg to be had no, nor a fresh chicken," continued I, "nor a stale one either; not a tayspoonful of souchong, nor a thimbleful of bohay; nor the laste taste in life of butther, salt or fresh; nor hot rowls or cowld!" "In the name of Heaven!" said Mrs. Van, growing very pale, "what is there, then?"

Where is she to buy her souchong, or her strong waters, except from us! We charge little, and force our goods on no one. We are peaceful traders. Yet this man and his fellows are ever yelping at our heels, like so many dogfish on a cod bank. We have been harried, and chivied, and shot at until we are driven into such dens as this.

Why, all the fellows will be asking which of us is pepper, and which Souchong! I wouldn't have Froggatt or Bruce see me in it at no price. 'Very well, stay at home, then, said Felix. 'You could have had the waggonet from the Fortinbras Arms, said Alda. 'Ay for all my money, and not for love. 'For shame, Alda, said her twin sister; 'how can you be so ridiculous!

'I should call him a large man, my dear, the old lady replied after some hesitation, 'but that his voice is so much larger. 'Than himself? 'Than anybody. 'Hah! said Septimus. And finished his breakfast as if the flavour of the Superior Family Souchong, and also of the ham and toast and eggs, were a little on the wane. Mrs.

No Englishman would dream of ordering afternoon tea consisting of chops, boiled potatoes, and a pot of souchong, and, if we chose to do so, we took a serious chance. But starvation will drive one to anything; we had had nothing to eat since leaving Salisbury three hours before, and in the English air this is truly famine.

John knew one of my weak points when he sent me that box of souchong." The supper was ready, and the little party gathered round the table. The tea did credit to the judgment of the giver and the skill of the maker, but they were no critics that drank it. Alice and Ellen were much too hungry and too happy to be particular. Miss Fortune's pumpkin pie was declared to be very fine, and so were Mrs.

The flower of this implanted goodness is what we call civilization, the condition of general uprightness that Halleck declared he owed no allegiance to. But he was better than his word." Atherton lifted, with his slim, delicate hand, the cup of translucent china, and drained off the fragrant Souchong, sweetened, and tempered with Jersey cream to perfection.

"In order to assent to this, you will of course see the necessity of letting me know what the question is." "Have you made up your mind who the young woman shall be? If that point is settled, I can only recommend to you some of Joe Bunk's souchong, and advise you to submit, for there is no resisting one's fate.

And expensive tea is a very favourite luxury with well-to-do tradespeople and rich farmers' wives, who turn up their noses at the Congou and Souchong prevalent at many tables of gentility, and will have nothing else than Gunpowder and Pekoe for themselves. But to return to Miss Matty.