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"You have no business to complain of a solitude which you have created yourself." "Oh no; I blame no one." "And you have Sally " "I had Sally. She was my disciple and satellite; but now I shall always be having to take care that I don't hurt her feelings. The slippered ease of the old relationship is dead; I can't talk out to her." "But you can talk out to me as much as you like.

Never for him the slippered ease of middle age, the pursuit of bourgeois virtues, of which he had so fondly dreamed in Meyrueis. Adventures were his portion, as surely as humdrum and eventless days were many another's. Wars might come and wars might go: but his mere presence in its neighbourhood would prove enough to turn the Palace of Peace itself into Action Front.

Can it not be brought about that men should arrange for their own departure, so as to fall into no senile weakness, no slippered selfishness, no ugly whinings of undefined want, before they shall go hence, and be no more thought of? These are the ideas that have actuated me, and to them I have been brought by seeing the conduct of those around me.

Then, a line of Jewish girls in their kilted skirts dancing after the Jewish manner tripping on their slippered toes, whirling and turning around with rapid motions, and playing timbrels and tambourines held high above their heads by their shapely arms and hands.

Rexhill, with tousled hair, wrapped in a bathrobe, from the bottom of which his bare ankles and slippered feet protruded, sat on the edge of his bed, impatiently chewing an unlighted cigar while he listened to Moran's account of the fracas. "You went too far, Race, you went too far," he burst out angrily at last. "You had no orders to jump the ranch. I told you...."

"Oh, how will you ever be able to read them all!" exclaimed Fan, staring in a kind of dismay at the pile, where Miss Starbrow had emptied them on the carpet. "I have no such mad intention," said the other with a laugh, and turning them over with her pretty slippered foot. "As a rule people that answer advertisements especially women are fools.

Classon calls a 'speed-mad cub. Then there is Cecile Cardross a débutante of last winter, and then " Miss Palliser hesitated, crossed one knee over the other, and sat gently swinging her slippered foot and looking at her nephew. "Does that conclude the list of the Cardross family?" he asked. "N-no. There remains the beauty of the family, Shiela."

Rose's heart throbbed fast; the mysterious stillness of the night, the ghostly shimmer of the moonlight, the mystery and romance of her adventure, set every pulse tingling, but she did not hesitate. Her slippered feet crossed the hall lightly; she was beside the green door. Then there was another pause a moment's breathless listening, but the dead stillness of midnight was unbroken.

"Oh, don't say that, Patty!" exclaimed Mona, laughing herself. "ANYTHING but that! It must be convincing, it must, it MUST!" "Is it meant for a roaring farce?" asked Mr. Fairfield, politely, "or merely high comedy?" "I think it's a problem play," said Nan, laughing anew at the excited visitor, who had returned to the swing, and was vigorously pushing herself back and forth with her slippered toe.

Thin fingers that move with lifeless precision. Slippered feet that shuffle as if Sing Lee were yawning. A smell of starch, wet linen and steam mingles with an aromatic mustiness. The day's work is done. Sing Lee sits in his chair behind the counter. Three walls look down upon him. Laundry packages yellow paper, white string crowd the wall shelves.