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They seldom hope to attain to anything better than a situation as "chief mate of the junior clerk," as we say in Russia, and either become sycophants, disgusting flatterers of their present lords, or, which is still worse, or at any rate sillier, begin to edit a newspaper full of cheap liberalism, which gradually develops into a revolutionary organ. But all this is only en passant.

That sounds silly; so, perhaps, you may mean that all is wrong all round, My creed and the know-nothing books, and that truth is not to be found That's sillier still: for, if so, the know-nothing books are right, And you're a mere spiritless cur who can neither run nor fight, Too great a coward to live and too great a coward to die, Fit for nothing at all but just to sit down and cry.

"At present he's too old to laugh when I make jokes; he thinks them silly; but he'll be sillier than anyone himself in about six months, I expect. Now we'll have tea." Lucy left Thomas and came to the tea-table and poured out tea for both of them. "I'm trying to learn to do without three lumps," said Peter, as Lucy put them in. "I expect it's extravagant to have three, really.

More than that; after he had finished his second cup of tea, and immediately following the sound of someone just beyond the verandah rail whistling the lively, lilting measures of "There's a Girl Wanted There" the "silly ass" seemed to become a thousand times sillier than ever; for he forthwith set down his cup, and, turning to Anita, said with an inane sort of giggle, "I say, you know, here's a lark.

"Aunt Emily never pushes any one; she says they always rebound and crush her." "I only had the pleasure of seeing your aunt once. I should have thought her a quite uncrushable person. But she would be sure to help you." "I couldn't show her anything. She'd think them even sillier than they are." "Always running yourself down! There speaks the artist!" "I'm not modest," he said anxiously.

I'M not threatening his life!" "He doesn't avoid you. And you're acting sillier than I ever supposed you could. He can't be in two places at once, can he? Now, let's be sensible, chicken. Grant " "Oh h!" There was a peculiar, sliding inflection upon that word, which made Miss Georgie's hand shut into a fist.

We made up a great fire, and sat round it, some playing at cards, other playing at games, telling stories, or reciting poetry, interspersed with the sillier pastime of love- making. Every one nodded off to sleep, but soon to wake again, and, oh, how still we were, and how our bones ached after two such nights!

De simple child o' nature had better chase himself inter de water. Every man at de end of his lines is mad or loaded or silly, an' de cop's madder an' loadeder an' sillier than de rest. Dey all take it outer de horses. Dere's no wavin' brooks ner ripplin' grass on de Belt Line. Run her out on de cobbles wid de sparks flyin', an' stop when de cop slugs you on de bone o' yer nose. Dat's N'York; see?

"No, I am not angry," replied Mr Hawthorn, "but I am certainly surprised to find I have two such foolish children. I don't know who was the sillier Pennie to make up such nonsense, or Ambrose to believe it. But now I am not going to say anything more, because it is quite time for Ambrose to go to bed, so Pennie and the owl and I will say good-night."

"George," he said, "I've met very few girls who could compare with Flora Grant, taking her all round." "That's correct," George told him. "As a matter of fact, I'm doubtful whether you have met any who would bear the comparison. It was the sillier ones who made a fuss over you." "I know of one," Edgar resumed. "As it happens, she's in Canada."