Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 17, 2025
But in spite of her extreme satisfaction in her own arrangements, she felt secretly disgusted at the freshness of Bluebell's appearance in an uncrushable soft barége trimmed with blue. It was also rather a blow to observe those thick shining coils of chestnut hair were not supplemented from the stores of any Translantic coiffeur.
It can go on trying to crush that which is uncrushable, or it can recognize woman's claim to freedom, and cease to impose diverting and destructive barriers. If we choose the latter course, we must not only remove all restrictions upon the use of scientific contraceptives, but we must legalize and encourage their use. This problem comes home with peculiar force to the people of America.
When we consider Frederick's position during the last part of the Seven Years' War, we must admit that no man was ever in such desperate circumstances or showed such uncrushable determination. It was as if the Destinies, in order to teach us what human nature can do, had ordained that he who had the most fortitude should also encounter the severest trial of it.
"Aunt Emily never pushes any one; she says they always rebound and crush her." "I only had the pleasure of seeing your aunt once. I should have thought her a quite uncrushable person. But she would be sure to help you." "I couldn't show her anything. She'd think them even sillier than they are." "Always running yourself down! There speaks the artist!" "I'm not modest," he said anxiously.
His answer showed no consciousness of the humbling process: "You think a lot of David, don't you?" Susan felt her color rising. This time she not only sat squarer in her saddle, but raised her shoulders and chin a trifle. "Yes. I am engaged to be married to him." "When will you be married?" said the uncrushable man.
I caught my breath. This was the reason why he had kept me so long in ignorance of the story. He knew of my hopeless, uncrushable sentiments toward the gloriously beautiful but utterly hypocritical and evil Eastern girl who was perhaps the most dangerous of all Dr. Fu-Manchu's servants; for the power of her loveliness was magical, as I knew to my cost. "What did you do?"
I caught my breath. This was the reason why he had kept me so long in ignorance of the story. He knew of my hopeless, uncrushable sentiments towards the gloriously beautiful but utterly hypocritical and evil Eastern girl who was perhaps the most dangerous of all Dr. Fu-Manchu's servants; for the power of her loveliness was magical, as I knew to my cost. "What did you do?"
She had had one dinner-dress for ten years of black "uncrushable grenadine," cut square, and it was quite true that she was the niece of an earl and the daughter of an admiral, and that she had eloped with the Rev. Marcus Abercorn eighteen years ago.
For days now he had denied to himself the reason for his agitation whenever the telephone or doorbell rang. Hope! It had not served to crush it down, to buffet it aside by ironical commentaries on the weakness of human nature; the thing was uncrushable, insistent. Packing cases! "Denny! Jane!" he cried, and bolted for the door. The call needed no interpretation.
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