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When young Doc politely enquired whether she could steal enough time from her errand to turn about for a run up "The Boulevard," Missy acquiesced. She regretted she hadn't worn her shirred mull hat. But she decided not to worry about that. After all, her appearance, at the present moment, didn't so much matter.

The long basque of her school dress was made after the newest pattern and had smoke-pearl buttons, in overlapping groups of three, set on each side of its vest front. The skirt of this wonderful dress was "shirred" and hung in graceful festoons between the rows of gatherings, and was of an entirely new style.

Lace curtains are rarely draped, but hang in straight simplicity, most of the fullness being arranged in the body that the border design may not be lost in the folds. They are shirred with an inch heading on rods fastened outside of the window casing over which they extend, and care must be taken, if the pattern is prominent, that corresponding figures hang opposite each other.

"I never quite understood about one part of that typhoon story," she qualified. "You were carrying the Captain across the deck, and a Chinese tried to knife you. You just mentioned that the Chinese died." "Yes," said Bedient, who disliked this part of the story, and had shirred the narrative. "But I wanted to hear more about it " "That was all. He died. There were only a few survivors." Mrs.

"I hadn't thought of that," admitted Macdonald. "The North would have to go out of business, I suppose. But you're right about one thing, Mrs. Selfridge. I'm brave and strong enough at the breakfast table. Steward, will you bring me a double order of these shirred eggs and a small steak?" "Well, I'm glad you can still joke, Mr. Macdonald, after such a terrible experience.

Helen shirred his eggs to a turn, pressed the second cup of coffee on him, browned him a fresh slice of toast ... he suffered her favors, but he was unmoved by them. They did not even annoy him. When he kissed her good-by he felt the relaxation of her body against his, as she stood for a moment languishing in provocative surrender. He put her aside sharply.

Her small rosy face, framed in the shirred brim of her black silk bonnet, was wrinkled with age, but even her wrinkles were cheerful ones, and detracted nothing from the charming archness of her expression. Unconquerable still, she went her sprightly way, on rheumatic limbs, towards the grave.

Alec, patting a pile of muslin, cloth and silk with a knowing air. Aunt Peace and Rose laughed so that he could not display his knowledge any farther, till they stopped, when he said good-naturedly, "That will go a great way toward filling out the belt, so laugh away, Morgiana, and I'll go back to my work, or I never shall be done." "I couldn't help it, 'shirred biases' were so very funny!"

The rasher of bacon should be served piping hot on a hot silver platter, in crisp, curling slices. Incidentally, it should be just as crisp when it appears with a favorite companion, as "bacon and eggs." A vegetable dish or a small plate will do for the hard-boiled egg. Poached eggs appear in individual shirred egg dishes, to the left of each cover, on small plates with service spoon.

"Why, isn't your own sidewalk good enough?" was Mrs. Dean's inquiry. "Well yes, you may do an errand for me down at the store. I want a pound of butter crackers. Don't go off the block." They put on their bonnets. Hanny's was a pretty shirred and ruffled blue lawn. They twined their arms around each other's waists, with Hanny in the middle and walked slowly down to the store.