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Ferrard, but would you mind letting me have my breakfast in my room to-morrow? About nine? Just something simple a canteloupe and some shirred eggs and chocolate?" "Oh no; why, yes, certainly, "mumbled Mrs. Arty, while the table held its breaths and underneath them gasped: "Chocolate!" "A canteloupe!" "Shirred eggs!" "In her room at nine!" All this was very terrible to Mr. Wrenn.

It was only equalled in shapeless clumsiness and unique ugliness by its summer-sister of the same date, the green silk calash, that funniest and quaintest of all New England feminine headgear, a great sunshade that could not be called a bonnet, always made of bright green silk shirred on strong lengths of rattan or whalebone, and extendible after the fashion of a chaise top.

The goodwives' heads bore, besides the close caps so universally worn, mufflers and veils and hoods, hoods of all kinds and descriptions, from the hoods of serge and camlet and gauze and black silk that Mistress Estabrook, wife of the Windham parson, proudly owned and wore, from the prohibited "silk and tiffany hoods" of the earliest planters down through the centuries' inflorescence of "hoods of crimson colored persian," "wild bore and hum-hum long hoods," "pointed velvet capuchins," "scarlet gipsys," "pinnered and tasselled hoods," "shirred lustring hoods," "hoods of rich pptuna," "muskmelon hoods," to the warm quilted "punkin hoods" worn within this century in country churches.

Justin was sitting in the end of the Peabody pew, and Nancy Wentworth was beside him; Nancy, cool and restful in her white dress; dark-haired Nancy under the shadow of her shirred muslin hat. Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings, Thy better portion trace. The melodeon gave the tune, and Nancy and he stood to sing, taking the book between them.

At seven-thirty Tessie would have emerged from her bedroom in the pink georgette blouse that might have been considered alarmingly frank as to texture and precariously V-cut as to neck had Tessie herself not been so reassuringly unopulent; a black taffeta skirt, lavishly shirred and very brief; white kid shoes, high-laced, whose height still failed to achieve the two inches of white silk stocking that linked skirt hem to shoe top; finally, a hat with a good deal of French blue about it.

You see, Aunt Adelaide flew into one of her biggest tantrums, because her shirred egg was shirred too full, or her waffles didn't waff, or something, and she sent for Francois and gave him such a large piece of her mind that he picked up his Marie and walked off." "Have they really GONE?" "They really have.

She stood by the folded piles of shirred muslin, the elaborate velvets and silks and ribbons, obviously at a loss before such an unparalleled choice; and he was once more disturbed by the attenuation of her small body.

"I'm not going to throw eggs at her. Why, man," he cried, with growing excitement, "I want to give them eggs to her, on a platter, shirred that's the way she likes 'em." "I knowed I was wrong," Shorty cried generously, "I knowed you couldn't do a low-down trick like that." "That's all right, Shorty," Wild Water forgave him. "But let's get down to business. You see why I want them eggs.

The chintz curtains are lined with silk of this tone, and the valance at the top of the group of windows is finished with a narrow silk fringe of this greenish-blue. The small candle shades, the shirred shade of the drop-light, and the cushion of the black lacquer chair are also of this blue.

She did not use the "plain language," though she always insisted that her husband should do so in addressing her; nor did she adopt the Quaker costume, but she dressed simply and wore little "cottage" straw bonnets with strings tied demurely under her chin and later had them made of handsome shirred silk, the full white cap-ruche showing inside.