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Jarley is a black or chintz dress, bright shawl and huge bonnet; that of Little Nell may be a calico dress and white apron, with hat slung over her arm. John and Peter may be dressed in livery suits, and should be provided with watchman's rattle, screwdriver, hammer, nails and oil-can.

"Yes, and get all the credit of it, and leave us to get into the row," said Philpot. Smith turned round short on the speaker and held out the screwdriver. "Here," said he, "if you want the credit, go and do it yourself!" Of course, Philpot declined the tempting offer, and, without another word, Smith walked up to the passage and began pulling away the desks from the parlour door.

A knife fitted with corkscrew and screwdriver; therefore take two, and try to keep one carefully locked up. Pair of good field-glasses. I took a stalking telescope, but it was useless to my shikari, who always borrowed my wife's binoculars until she lost them or he stole them! Hats. It is obviously a matter of taste what hats a man should take.

Therefore I succeeded in getting hold of a screwdriver from the carpenter's shop, and next night, when everyone was asleep, I crept out and unscrewed the panel, when to my surprise I saw that the secret cavity behind was filled with beautiful jewelry, diamond collars, tiaras, necklets, fine pearls, emeralds and turquoises, all thrown in indiscriminately.

"Eh? . . . Oh, I did set out to, but I couldn't find the ile can. The only thing I could find was the screwdriver and at last I came to the conclusion the Almighty must have meant me to use it; so I did. Anyhow, it stopped the squeakin'." Captain Sam roared delightedly. "That's fine," he declared. "It does me good to have you act that way.

He borrowed my screwdriver out of the sewin'-machine drawer, where I always keep it, to pry up the cover." Garrison tacked to other items. "Why did she have to go so soon?" he inquired. "Couldn't she have stayed here with you?" "What, a young thing like her, only just married?" demanded Mrs. Wilson, faintly blushing. "I guess you don't know us women when we're in love." And she blushed again.

He seized the screwdriver and in that moment a tiny part of his intelligence found leisure to decide that this screwdriver was slightly longer than the one he had used aforetime for a similar purpose and he unscrewed the solitary screw and raised the lid of the coffin, letting all the screws roll off it with a great rattle.... An overwhelming rush of chloroform vapour escaped.... She lay within, dressed in her black dress, and her dress had been crammed into the coffin hastily, madly, and was thrust down in thick, disorderly folds about her feet, and her hair half covered her face.

He pointed to three upright cases which stood at the end of the room nearest the door. "You will see nothing very pleasant here, they are anatomical models which have just arrived from Berlin. In fact, I have been trading with the enemy," he smiled. "They are screwed up, but I have a screwdriver here." Beale hesitated.

The subaltern was busy at work on a bomb with a penknife, while at his elbow stood a sergeant grasping a screwdriver, who, perceiving the Major, came to attention, while the cheery sub. rose, beaming. "Can you give us some gas?" enquired the Major, after we had been introduced, and had shaken hands. "Certainly, sir!" nodded the cheerful sub. "Delighted!"

Hazen had a table and two chairs, and an iron safe in the corner. He put a pathetic trust in that safe. I believe I could have opened it with a screwdriver. I met him as I climbed the stairs. He said harshly: "I'm going to telephone. They say the road's impassable." He had no telephone in his office; he used one in the store below. A small economy fairly typical of Hazen.