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Updated: January 7, 2025
Scarron's comparison of himself to the letter Z is in his address 'To the Reader who has Never seen Me, prefixed to his 'Relation Veritable de tout ce qui s'est passe en l'autre Monde, au combat des Parques et des Poetes, sur la Mort de Voiture. This was illustrated with a burlesque plate representing himself as seen from the back of his chair, and surrounded by a wondering and mocking world.
The serious Parisian, then, sees "un autre monsieur;" as it proves anon, there had been a divorce in the history of the lady, but the later widower is not yet aware of this, and explains to himself the presence of "un monsieur" in his own place by that weighty phrase, "Il s'est trompe de defunte."
Gounod, in his low and drawly voice, said: "Vous nous donnez, mon cher Auber, des choses par trop ennuyeuses aux concerts du Conservatoire. A la pensee des 'Quatre saisons' de Haydn je m'endors. Pourquoi ne s'est-il pas contente d'une saison?" Princess Metternich replied, "Que probablement en les composant Haydn s'est mis en quatre."
"La lune s'est levée. Elle perce mal les feuillages denses des pruniers et le cantonnement immobile reste sombre. Ç
Je dois meme dire que nous avons tous ete frappes de leur extreme moderation. Pas une voix ne s'est elevee pour reclamer en faveur d'un ton plus aggressif. Le programme, retouche sur place par une commission de neuf membres, avait, vous le pensez bien, ete soigneusement prepare d'avance; toutes les expressions en avaient ete pesees.
I got but one flash of sheet lightning in the shape of a single bantering smile from his eyes; and then he said, "Courage! a vrai dire je ne suis pas fache, peut-etre meme suis je content qu'on s'est fait si belle pour ma petite fete." "Mais ma robe n'est pas belle, Monsieur elle n'est que propre." "J'aime la proprete," said he.
Refuse rhetoric, by the way, rather than Emerson's "fossil poetry," would seem to be the right name for human language as some of the processes of the several recent centuries have left it. The French comedy, then, is fairly stuffed with thin-S for an Englishman. They are not all, it is true, so finely comic as "Il s'est trompe de defunte."
"That unkempt creature?" "Why, yes." Pavel Petrovitch drummed with his finger-tips on the table. "I fancy Arkady s'est dégourdé," he remarked. "I am glad he has come back." "Your uncle's a queer fish," Bazaroff remarked to Arkady, in the seclusion of their room; "only fancy such style in the country! His nails, his nails you ought to send them to an exhibition!
Whenever you hear it said of a man, "Il s'est conduit en vrai gentilhomme," be sure that it means no more than that he performed a simple act of justice in a courteous and graceful manner.
EDMUND ABOUT picturesquely said, "Il s'est fait naturaliser vaincu." BISMARCK has told me that the Emperor WILLIAM, then at Versailles, in the first flush of triumph at touch on his brow of the Imperial diadem, hearing of the event through the capturing of a balloon despatched with the news to dolorous Paris, passed a sleepless night. "I fear me" he said, "all will now be lost."
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