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As tu des gouts et des amusemens? Tu dois mener une assez douce vie. L'autre en deux mots repondait 'Je m'ennuie. C'est un grand mal, dit la fee, et je crois Qu'un beau secret est de rester chez soi." I was detained six days by contrary winds at Holyhead.

"Comme je n'avais pas encore regagne d'appetit hier j'ai pense qu'il serait plus sage de rester ici encore un peu et je suis alle canoter sur la riviere. "Mr.

We sat about the table over cigars and green cocoa-nuts; claps of wind blew through the house and extinguished the lamp, which was always instantly relighted with a single match; and these recurrent intervals of darkness were felt as a relief. For there was something painful and embarrassing in the kindness of that separation. 'Ah, vous devriez rester ici, mon cher ami! cried Stanislao.

Je répondrai que leur coutume n'est point de rester en place; qu'aujourd'hui dans un endroit, demain éloignés d'une journée et demie, ils reparoissent tout-

Reconnaissant le caractère exagéré des demandes présentées par l'Autriche, la Russie avait déclaré encore auparavant qu'il lui serait impossible de rester indifférente, sans se refuser toutefois

Les affaires egyptiennes ne peuvent rester dans l'etat ou elles sont; et il faut les regler au plus vite, pour l'honneur de tout le monde. Je presente mes hommages bien respectueux a Madame Reeve, en attendant le petit voyage a Foxholes vers l'automne. Votre bien devoue, B. St.-HILAIRE. And here the Journal notes: April 16th. Edward Cheney died, aetat. 82. From Dr.

"Rester sur un grand succes," which was Rossini's advice to a young singer who had achieved a triumph, is a maxim which the world often follows, not only from prudence, but from necessity. They have done so much that it seems neither prudent nor possible to do more. They will rest and be thankful.

The smouldering fire of discontent broke into fierce flame on August 25th, 1830, in the city of Brussels, during a performance of the opera "Muette de Portici," when the tenor was singing the inspired words of Massaniello: "Plutôt mourir que rester misérable, Pour un esclave est-il quelque danger? Tombe le joug qui nous accable, Et sous nos coups périsse l'étranger.

"Aunt Cindy say they's some kinder hens won't lay no chickens 't all if folks put they hands in they nests an' this here hen look like to me she's one of them kind, so the rester the egg'll jest be waste, any how, 'cause you done put yo' han's in her nes', an' a dominicker ain't a-goin' to stan' no projeckin' with her eggs. Hurry up."

"I'll tell you what we'll do," said Dr. Gray; "we'll keep little Phil for you till he's as tall as a pair of tongs." Unfortunately there was a fireplace in the room, and Dotty's keen eyes at once espied the tongs, leaning against a brass rester. As quick as a thought she seized them, and laid them in the cradle beside the baby.