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I suppose that the life of each of us, if it is worth while, is not made up of one great effort and of one failure or of one success, but of many efforts, many failures, partial successes. But I am afraid we all try at first to realize our dreams. Good-by!" "Marry me," he said, tightening his grasp on her hands and speaking as though he had the right. She stepped quickly back from him.

The idea of having a Wallerstätten for a guest and offering him a bed which has been used already. That would seem a real crime in her eyes. That can't be; no, it mustn't. I hope you can see it, too, don't you?" "Yes," Bruno said, much depressed, for he had to agree. But Uncle could not stand such downcast spirits. "Listen, Bruno," he said, "you realize that we can't do it that way.

Henry followed in a demoralized frame. His mind was in a ferment. He could not realize what had happened. He could scarcely believe that he had actually done it. He could not conceive how he had dared it. And now what penalty would she inflict? What if she should not forgive him? His soul was dissolved in fears.

With nothing but that one could live in Brazil, in America, wherever one wished, and even live without doing anything! And what would it be, then, if all the words of this document were paid for at the same price? It would be necessary to count by hundreds of contos. Ah! there is quite a fortune here for me to realize if I am not the greatest of duffers!"

"And has endured a heavier one, my boy. I'm afraid you're a poor counselor in your own affairs." He came across the room to Bristol and slapped the bowed shoulder. "Now you have found a better one. I have taken your case." The young man looked up into the kindly features of his adviser and was only half convinced. "Don't you realize how easy it will be for you to make money from this time on?

Almost sorrowfully she answered: "I begin to see that there is far more shadow than sunshine in this world; the night is longer than the day." "You are too young to realize such solemn things, and should endeavour to catch all the dew of life that glistens within your reach; for the withering heat of the noon will come soon enough to even the most favoured.

For then I should have openly defied and humiliated him. But he did not say a word ... which I did not like either. He should have said: "Sandip has brought me to my senses. I now realize how mistaken I have been all this time." I somehow felt that he was spitefully silent, that he obstinately refused to be enthusiastic. I asked how long Sandip Babu was going to be with us.

Here and there were small game herds. In the light of later experience we now realize that these were nothing at all; but at the time the sight of full-grown wild animals out in plain sight was quite wonderful. At the close of the day's march we always wandered out with our rifles to see what we could find. Everything was new to us, and we had our men to feed.

Poor Tim, who had sold so many melons to women and seen so much of back doors and kitchen humors that he held the sex very cheap, he did not realize how hard he would find it to talk of the one woman who had been kind to him! He turned red with shame over his own weakness. "You poor little chap!" cried Miss Brown; "you poor little sharp, innocent chap!"

"Do!" said Jim, weakly. "Dad! by Jove, I I " He stopped helplessly; then his hand went out and took his father's in a grip that made David Linton realize that this big son of his was nearly a man. "Oh, Jimmy, I'm so glad and isn't he lovely?" "Why, he's perfect," Jim said, stepping back and running his eye over his Christmas box. "My word, Dad, he'll jump!"