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"Vous quittez aujourd'hui la France Mais vous emportez tous nos voeux, Et deja vos succes heureux Partout sont applaudis d'avance. Sur le coeur de tous les mortels Votre gloire a jamais se fonde, Il n'est pas de pays au monde Ou le savoir n'ait des autels."

She needed a saint to accomplish these reforms. It was therefore necessary that he should come to Rome, and there his saintly gifts would also enable him to render a service to the Duchess di Civitella, here present. She ended her discourse thus: "Nous vous attendons absolument, monsieur! Quittez ce vilain trou! Quittez-le bientôt! Bientôt!"

Coming!" said she. "One has no time for anything in this hovel!" She hummed: Vous me quittez pour aller a la gloire; Mon triste coeur suivra partout. She cast a parting glance in the mirror and went out, shutting the door behind her. A moment more, and Marius heard the sound of the two young girls' bare feet in the corridor, and Jondrette's voice shouting to them: "Pay strict heed!

"Mon ame sent le prix de vos divins appas; Mais ne presumez point qu'elle soit satisfaite. Traitre, vous me quittez pour suivre une coquette; Moi je ne vous quitterais pas." Some days hence he said to Marquis de Beauvau, in the Audience of leave, a word which was remembered.

And quietly, heavily, like an irrevocable sentence, there came, breathed to him as it were from that winter cold and loneliness, words that he had read an hour or two before, in the little red book beside his hand words in which the gayest of French poets has fixed, as though by accident, the most traginc of all human cries 'Quittez le long espoir et les vastes pensées.

The boy's lithe young arms, though they could not squeeze to death, could hold; and hold they did. The man saw it, ceased to struggle, and hugged. Thank God the boy had the under-grip. His arms protected him. Else he must have burst. A groan was squeezed out of him. "Quittez donc!" in his ear. "Jamais," faintly. He pressed and pressed. The man hugged and hugged. One must give. Which should it be?

Humility is made easy by the sense of excessive frailty, but it cuts away all ambition. "Quittez le long espoir et les vastes pensees." A long piece of work seems absurd one lives but from day to day.

He sank on his knees, wrestling with himself and with the bitter longing for life, and the same words rang through him, deafening every cry but their own. 'Quittez, quittez, le long espoir et les vastes pensées! There is little more to tell. The man who had lived so fast was no long time dying. The eager soul was swift in this as in all else.

Clear and mellow her voice sounded in the night air. "Chasseur, chasseur, chassez encore, Quittez Rosette et Jeanneton, Tonton, tonton, tontaine, tonton, Ou, pour, rabattre, des l'aurore, Que les Amours soient de planton, Tonton, tontaine, tonton."

And quietly heavily like an irrevocable sentence, there came, breathed to him as it were from that winter cold and loneliness, words that he had read an hour or two before, in the little red book beside his hand words in which the gayest of French poets has fixed, as though by accident, the most tragic of all human cries 'Quittez le long espoir, et les vastes pensées.