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Come here," was the faint edict from the canopied bed. She was getting very weak from the pain, and her words came in gasps. "Do you know where the Aristo Apartments are?" "No, but I can find out," said Quin. "I want you to go for my son Mr. Randolph Bartlett. If he's not at home you find him. I'll make it worth your while." "I'll find him," Quin said, with a reassuring pat on her wrinkled hand.

He laughed till his eyes were filled with tears, and had nearly upset the overloaded boat by his extravagant demonstrations. "What's the matter, Quin?" demanded Dan, astonished at the conduct of his usually prudent and sedate companion. "Bress de Lo'd, we's got all de tings," exclaimed Quin. "Don't crow till you get out of the woods."

"To-night I claim you both. We will introduce Quinby as one of the gallant heroes of the Great War. I shall tell his story no he shall tell it! Come, put on your hat, Eleanor; we must start at once." "But here! Hold on!" protested Quin, laughing and freeing himself from Papa Claude's encircling arm, "I'm not fixed to go to a party, and I haven't got any story to tell.

"It's all right, old cove," said Quin, slipping Rose into the house and pulling the door to after her. "No harm's done, and she won't do it again." "How do you know?" "Because she and the fellow had a blow-out. She says she is through with him for good and all." "Did you see him?" "Yes; he's a average-sized fellow with a smooth face and brown hair." "Would you know him if you saw him again?"

"Number 7!" said the Captain with icy decision, "weren't you instructed to stay in bed?" "I was, sir," said Quin, coming to attention and presenting a decidedly sorry aspect. "Go back at once, and add three days to the time indicated. This way, Miss Bartlett."

'We'll sleep at Quin's quarters, replied Ulick: 'WE'RE GOING TO STOP A WEEK THERE. 'Thank you, says Quin, very faint; 'it's very kind of you. 'You'll be lonely, you know, without us. 'Oh yes, very lonely! says Quin. 'As you please, whined out the Captain; and the horses were quickly brought round, and the three gentlemen rode away.

Either incident alone she could have coped with, but it was a distinct imposition to expect her to manage both at once, and on Sunday night into the bargain. "I can only presume you lent yourself to such a vulgar proceeding as Quin dressing up as a woman and acting chaperone. Is that the truth?" "Not entirely. You see, he wasn't an ordinary woman. He went as his aunt, Lady Phyllis Fenton.

At Lincoln's Inn Fields, 28 June, 1717, Bullock again sustained Scaramouch and had Spiller as his Harlequin. Four years later, 6 February, 1721, they were acting the same roles at this theatre, with Mrs. Cross as Bellemante, and Quin, Ryan, in the cast. The farce was repeated on 25 October of the same year.

PICKLE. '13th December, 1753. 'To the Honble. Quin Vaughan, at his house in Golden Square. Here James Mohr Macgregor slips out of our narrative. He was suspected by Balhaldie of having the misfortune to be a double-dyed scoundrel. This impression Mr. Macgregor's letters to 'his dear Chief' were not quite able to destroy.

He did not understand why the history of Captain O'Hara should have been raked up. Captain O'Hara was nothing to him. He supposed it had come from Castle Quin, and anything from Castle Quin he disbelieved. He had given a promise once and he didn't understand why he should be asked for any further assurance.