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Here we find an example worthy of being recorded, as contributing to throw great light upon those mineral operations; however, the opinion of our author and mine, upon this subject, differ widely. He proceeds thus: "Cette pierre n'est, comme chacun le sçait, qu'une pierre calcaire contenant du bitume.

I just caught this: "N'oubliez jamais, bien chère Madame, qu'une église a deux portes." Héloise said she would not forget, and he thanked her rapturously; but what it meant I don't know. They have both smiled often since so I expect it is some French idiom for reconciliation. The crowd on the pier was common, and we returned to Frascati's garden.

En Français on appeloit glaçon une sorte de toile fine qui sans doute étoit glacée. Je soupçonne que le glaçon Allemand étoit une espèce de cotte d'armes faite de plusieurs doubles de toile piquée, comme nos gambisons. Peut-être aussi n'étoit-ce qu'une cuirasse.] un grand chapeau de fer et d'autres harnois

If she was worldly, she was also useful, intelligent, and popular, and a paragon in her brother's partial eyes. Mieux vaut une once de fortune qu'une livre de sagesse. This bell was to save his old bones; he never went up-stairs, and he resented every visitor as an innovation. They were so few, his temper was not much tried.

And, besides, though Voltaire might be a rogue, Frederick felt quite convinced that he could keep him in order. A crack or two of the master's whip a coldness in the royal demeanour, a hint at a stoppage of the pension and the monkey would put an end to his tricks soon enough. It never seems to have occurred to Frederick that the possession of genius might imply a quality of spirit which was not that of an ordinary man. This was his great, his fundamental error. It was the ingenuous error of a cynic. He knew that he was under no delusion as to Voltaire's faults, and so he supposed that he could be under no delusion as to his merits. He innocently imagined that the capacity for great writing was something that could be as easily separated from the owner of it as a hat or a glove. 'C'est bien dommage qu'une âme aussi lâche soit unie

Now, I tell you that with regard to the finny tribe, the more I charm them, the more enthusiastically they will flock to be caught. We shall have a miraculous draught in a few minutes, if you are but patient." And then he began again: "Mimi Pinson est une blonde, Une blonde que l'on connaît. Elle n'a qu'une robe au monde, Landerirette! Et qu'un bonnet."

Elsewhere he quotes without censure that strange aphorism of Saint Simon's, concerning which and whom so much were to be said: "L'age d'or, qu'une aveugle tradition a place jusqu'ici dans le passe, est devant nous; The golden age, which a blind tradition has hitherto placed in the Past, is Before us." But listen again:

«Que des particules de la plus extrême ténuité, suspendues dans un liquide, puissent s'agglutiner entr'elles et former des couches verticales, c'est ce que nous avons la preuve en fait dans les albâtres, les agathes, et même dans les crystallizations artificielles. Mais qu'une pierre toute formée, de la grosseur de la tête, se soit arrêtée au milieu d'une parois verticale, et ait attendu l

There is a passage from Condorcet's Des Progr�s de l'esprit humain, which seems to have been written as a warning to our epoch: Le z�le religieux des philosophes et des grands n'�tait qu'une d�votion politique: et toute religion, qu'on se permet de d�fendre comme une croyance qu'il est utile de laisser au peuple, ne peut plus esp�rer qu'une agonie plus ou moins prolong�e.

Bergeron a publié l'histoire d'Hayton. Mais, au lieu donner le texte Français original, au ou moins la version Latine de l'éditeur, il n'a donné qu'une version Française de ce Latin: de sorte que nous n'avons ainsi qu'une traduction de traduction.