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When I opened my case book to make a note of her visit and a brief summary of the symptoms she had described and betrayed, I hesitated a moment about the diagnosis, and finally decided to write provisionally for my guidance, or rather by way of prognosis, the one word, "Hysteria!"

The prognosis is unfavorable. The treatment recommended in pneumonia is indicated in this disease. Absolute rest and the feeding of an easily digested, laxative diet is a very essential part of the treatment. At the very beginning morphine may be given to quiet the tumultuous beats of the heart. Cold applications to the chest wall in the form of ice packs should be used.

In adult animals, radial fracture constitutes a grave condition; generally speaking, prognosis, in such cases, is unfavorable. Because of the leverage afforded by the extremity, immobilization of the radius is difficult. Any sort of mechanical appliance, which will immobilize these parts, is likely to produce pressure-necrosis of the soft structures so contacted.

They exist for the comfort of the patient alone. To sum up: We have endeavored to establish the claim that delusions in dementia praecox which takes the form of objective speculations rather than subjective experiences are an evidence of a milder psychotic reaction and hence warrant a prognosis of chronicity rather than deterioration.

Epithelioma is liable to attack scars in old people, especially those which result from burns sustained early in childhood and have never really healed. From the absence of lymphatics in scar tissue, the disease does not spread to the glands until it has invaded the tissues outside the scar; the prognosis is therefore better than in epithelioma in general.

I was shocked to trouble him to act in his professional capacity while he was a visitor, an honored visitor, in my house. Besides, I considered it more a case for a clergyman than for a medical man. However, there was no help for it after Hopkins's tongue. I requested our eminent friend to favor us with I think the exact scientific term is a Prognosis.

The treatment, of course, depends largely on the cause of the pericarditis, as, if the cause is one of those just enumerated in which the prognosis is dire, any treatment directed toward the pericardial inflammation is almost useless. The periearditis under these conditions will be more or less benefited, if at all affected, by the treatment directed toward the cause.

Anxiety strongly marked as to how his income will cover a house and garage in the country, adding the cost of his commutation ticket, and shows tendency to look rather wistfully into toy shop-windows before Christmas. Diagnosis: Normal love. Prognosis: Probably permanent condition. Second. The fearful lover. Temperature inclined to be sub-normal at times.

There is one old woman living up there yet whose coffin had been made three times. When it becomes evident that the unfavourable prognosis was mistaken the coffin is torn apart and made into shelves or some other article of household utility. It seems very cold-blooded, but it is easy to misjudge these people. The emotion of grief is real with them, I believe, but transient.

In acute rheumatism, however, the joint symptoms predominate, there is an absence of suppuration, and the pains and temperature yield to salicylates. The prognosis varies with the type of the disease, with its location the vertebræ, skull, pelvis, and lower jaw being specially unfavourable with the multiplicity of the lesions, and with the development of endocarditis and internal metastases.