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Prognosis will become definite in proportion to the physician's knowledge not only of the ontogenetic history of the individual patient, but also of the phylogenetic history of the race.

The facial expression of an animal suffering the throes of tetanus, azoturia, or acute synovitis, is readily recognized by the experienced eye, and upon physiognomy alone, in many instances, may the opinions regarding prognosis be based. Particularly is this true where death is a matter of minutes, or at most is only a few hours distant.

If Dagonet be accepted as summarizing the early French work, we can conclude that their generalizations were on the whole quite sound. These were: that stupor is an abnormal mental reaction, usually psychogenic but often the result of exhaustion, that it consists in a paralysis of emotion, will and intelligence; that the prognosis is usually good; that mental stimulation may produce recovery.

Trevennack explained that he never had any. Except to herself, and that but seldom, he never alluded to the subject in any way. Yate-Westbury bit his lip. "He must have great self-control," he answered, less confidently. "In a case like that, I'm bound to admit, my prognosis for the final result would be most unfavorable.

His medium, Helène S...... very unlike others, who are satisfied with forecasts of the future, disclosures of unknown past events, counsel, prognosis, evocation, etc., without creating anything, in the proper sense is the author of three or four novels, one of which, at least, is invented out of whole cloth revelations in regard to the planet Mars, its countries, inhabitants, dwellings, etc.

An ounce of tincture of iodin was injected into this joint after having cleansed the margin of the wound and the mare was cross-tied in a single stall to keep her from lying down. The owner was instructed to keep the outside of the wound powdered with air slaked lime and a very unfavorable prognosis was given.

The prognosis depends partly on the extent of the injury and the parts involved, but there is also risk from secondary hæmorrhage, and from such complications as pleurisy, pericarditis, and peritonitis. Death may result from shock, hæmorrhage, injury to brain or important nervous structures.

After that, so much depends upon the hygienic and dietic management that I do not feel justified in making an absolutely favorable prognosis." "What if she were under your immediate supervision for a certain length of time?" "I should, under such circumstances, feel quite sure of restoring her to perfect health."

Happily the prognosis is good, as there is a tendency to spontaneous recovery, although the convalescence may be extended. Although regarded by many as a disease distinct from scleroderma, morphea is best described as a circumscribed scleroderma, and presents itself in two clinical aspects: patches and bands, the patches being the more common.

Hippocrates, influenced as is thought by the Pythagorean doctrine of numbers, taught that they were to be expected on days fixed by certain numerical rules, in some cases on odd, in others on even numbers the celebrated doctrine of 'critical days. It follows from what has been said that prognosis, or the art of foretelling the course and event of the disease, was a strong point with the Hippocratic physicians.