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Well, my insides are out of order, and I prescribes for myself black draughts `omnes duas horas sumendum; and now he says that, as the ingredients are all gone, I shan't take any more." "And pray what were the ingredients, Tom?" "Why, laxative and alterative, as suits my complaint Extract. liquor. aqua pura haustus." "And what is that?"

I would not have you give way to passion like the vulgar. This this trifling accident must be lived down. Jean-Marie, bring me my smaller medicine-chest. A gentle laxative is indicated." And he dosed the family all round, leading the way himself with a double quantity.

This consists in making an opening through the skin and the wall of the crop and removing the contents with tweezers. The opening must be closed with sutures. The proper aseptic precautions must be observed. In inflammation of the crop, the bird should be dieted for at least one day, and one teaspoonful of castor oil given as a laxative.

But when the muscular coat of the bowels is kept in a healthy condition by a natural mode of life, and is aided by the action of the abdominal muscles, it rarely becomes necessary to administer laxative medicines. The inner or mucous coat of the stomach and bowels is generally regarded by physiologists as a continuation of the skin.

Bread that consists of two-thirds bran and one-third white flour is eminently laxative; but it is generally supposed that this age is lax enough in its hold of truth. A little more wheat and a little less bran, ye good doctors, might strengthen the constitutions of our children. The new study of the Bible is perhaps even more in danger of missing its real secret.

Any purgative drug, whether aperient, laxative or cathartic, is dissolved in the stomach by the action of the gastric juice in fact, goes through the same digestive process as the food that is eaten, that is, it passes into the small intestines and is there absorbed into the circulation.

I would not have you give way to passion like the vulgar. This this trifling accident must be lived down. Jean-Marie, bring me my smaller medicine chest. A gentle laxative is indicated. And he dosed the family all round, leading the way himself with a double quantity.

Likewise, the flushing of the colon with water, the use of laxative herb teas and decoctions or forced sweating by means of Turkish or Russian baths, though not as dangerous as inorganic minerals and poisonous drugs, cannot be classed among the natural means of cure.

But the most important thing to consider in this condition is the dietetic regulation of the bowels. There are some foods that tend to constipate while others act as a laxative. Such foods for example, as contain a considerable portion of tannin, are always constipating.

If necessary, any of the laxative mineral waters can be used for this purpose, or a teaspoonful of compound licorice powder taken at night. Powerful cathartic medicines should be avoided because of their effect upon the baby. The child should be weaned at nine months old, unless this time comes in very hot weather, or the infant is so delicate that a change of food would be injurious.