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It was used as a laxative, and on account of the constipating effect of an acorn diet, was doubtless in active demand. So highly was it esteemed by the followers of the Cross that it was christened Cascara Sagrada, or Sacred Bark.

But if we partake of such foods as apples, cabbage, lettuce and spinach, the necessary salt is taken into the blood. Heating milk also makes it constipating. True, normal people can take boiled milk without becoming constipated, but how many normal people are there? We are sorely enough afflicted in this way now. Let us have a supply of natural milk or go without it.

Spaghetti and macaroni prepared in this way are especially inadvisable, though it may be said that even when served without cheese spaghetti and macaroni are constipating. Rice in the ordinary polished form, as usually sold, is practically a pure starch and should be avoided. The same applies to tapioca, sago and foods of this character.

Buttermilk and clabbered milk are better than the sweet milk. The lactic acid seems to have a sweetening effect on the alimentary tract. Sweet milk is constipating for many people. The buttermilk and the clabbered milk are not constipating to the same degree. The use of fruit and vegetables has a tendency to prevent constipation.

The Development Of My Own Constipation The history of my own constipation, though it especially relates to a very rustic childhood, is typical of many people. I was also raised on a very constipating diet which consisted largely of processed cheese and crackers. Mine was accelerated by shyness, amplified by lack of comfortable facilities.

Now in order to close up this dilatationem or opening of the system, a corona baccaris was worn, which, by its odoriferous and constipating qualities, produced this effect, as Dioscorides assures us. Virgil, in his Seventh Eclogue, alludes to the same, antidote: "Aut si ultra placitum laudant, baccare frontem Cingite, ne vati noceat mala lingua futuro."

Hot breads, all articles of food fried in fats, salads, and pastry are difficult to digest. Tea is very constipating, and when taken in excessive quantities renders the individual nervous. An excess of coffee leads to congestion of the liver. Where indigestion exists, the simplest and most sensible remedies are to regulate the diet, and avoid eating between meals.

And I, being forced to speak extempore, replied: By two arguments. The first I draw from the practice of physicians, for when their patients' stomachs grow very weak, they prescribe no hot things, and yet give them wine as an excellent remedy. Besides, they stop looseness and immoderate sweating by wine; and this shows that they think it more binding and constipating than snow itself.

In my opinion it is cold that causes this hardness in corn and pulse, by contracting and constipating their parts till the substance becomes close and extremely rigid; while heat is a dissolving and softening quality. And therefore those that cite this verse against Homer, The season, not the field, bears fruit, do not justly reprehend him.

The food of this bird, gathered on the banks of the Nile, was of a very constipating character, and it was observed, by the earliest naturalists, to suck up the water of the river and using its long bill for a syringe, inject it into its anus, thus relieving itself. VIII., Dap. 41, Hague 1518.