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Sir Robert drew up, and declared he must buy one for the little maid as a remembrance of the day, and then found she was fast asleep; but he nevertheless purchased a black-beaded chaplet, giving for it one of the sorely-clipped coins of King Henry. "Prithee let me have one likewise, holy Sir," quoth Richard, "in memory of the talk that hath taught me so much of the import of my crusading vow."

"In summer, sir, we wade and swim in the canals and in the river, and each doth duck his neighbour, and splatter him with water, and dive and shout and tumble and " "'Twould be worth my father's kingdom but to enjoy it once! Prithee go on."

"Aye but he smiled, master! Walkyn, methinks, is not a jovial soul, lord, and when he smileth it behoveth others to frown and beware. So prithee eat hearty, lord, for, in a while the sun will stand above yon whin-bush, and then 'twill be the eleventh hour, and at the eleventh hour must I wash thy hurt and be-plaster it with this good ointment." "What then?"

Brilliana, with strenuous self-restraint, seemed to applaud his antics. "Bravely said, Chivalry!" she cried. "Let it be done, and well done, ere dusk." Master Paul quavered before her in an ecstasy of delighted obedience. "I fly, enchantress I fly!" he chirruped. Then, as he turned to go, another thought struck him, and he entreated, grotesquely languishing, "Prithee, your hand to kiss first."

He, Madam! though he be but a Banker's Prentice, Madam, he's as pretty a Fellow of his Inches as any i'th' City he has made love in Dancing-Schools, and to Ladies of Quality in the middle Gallery, and shall joke ye and repartee with any Fore-man within the Walls prithee to her and commend me, I'll give thee a new Point Crevat. Dia. He looks as if he cou'd not speak to me. Bea.

We must think, think, Francis." Francis arose and walked to the window where she stood abstractedly looking through the lattice which overhung a large yard, surrounded by the stables of the hostelry. Some yeomen were dressing their own or their masters' horses, whistling, singing and laughing. Suddenly she bent forward eagerly. "My father," she cried, "prithee come here!"

"I prithee, peace," interrupted Constance in her turn: for the word 'love' had called the flush into her pale cheek; "thou art ever placing earth on a level with heaven." "And thou, my saintly friend, wouldst bring heaven down to earth.

Then Sir Launcelot said: "I prithee, fair youth, tell me what is thy name since I have told thee ours, for I find that I have great love for thee so that I would fain know who thou art." Then Percival said: "My name is Percival." At that Sir Lamorack cried out: "I knew one whose name was Percival, and he was mine own brother. And if he be alive he must now be just such a youth as thou art."

Sancho was about to reply to his master, but the Knight of the Grove's voice, which was neither very bad nor very good, stopped him, and listening attentively the pair heard him sing this Your pleasure, prithee, lady mine, unfold; Declare the terms that I am to obey; My will to yours submissively I mould, And from your law my feet shall never stray. Would you I die, to silent grief a prey?

"Would you suffer me to ask you one favour? I have served you well hitherto, and I never disobeyed you till now." It was true, and Mrs Clere knew it. "Well, the brazen-facedness of some hussies!" cried she. "Prithee, what's your pleasure, mistress?