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I remember a delightful little paragraph out of one of his letters about un vieux chat noir, parfaitement laid, mais plein d'esprit et de discretion. Seulement il n'a eu que des gens vulgaires et manque d'usage." Mrs. A.D.T. Whitney, who has written so many helpful stories for girls, is another lover of cats. Cats do not lie curled up on cushions everywhere in her books, as they do in Mrs.

Ce qui est un spectacle plein d'instruction pour ceux qui ne sont pas de ladite Societe. Tous les membres regardent les chimistes en particulier avec un air d'intelligence parfaite pendant qu'ils prouvent dans un discours d'une demiheure que O6 N3 H5 C6 etc. font quelque chose qui n'est bonne a rien, mais qui probablement a une odeur tres desagreable, selon l'habitude des produits chimiques.

"I am so sorry," she repeated. "Please ask for it back. What did you want me to play?" "I don't know. It doesn't matter, so long as you've put it somewhere." "But I've put it en plein on Seventeen," she urged. "I ought to have thought what I was doing." "Why think?" he murmured. Mrs. Middlemist turned square to the table and fixed her eyes on the staked louis.

As the mariner put his question, he very deliberately took the book from François, who, instead of resenting the liberty, rather offered the volume, in exultation. "No, sair, it is not how to furl la queue, but how to touch de soul; not de art to haul over de calm, but oui, c'est plein de connoissance et d'esprit! Ah! ha! you know de Cid! le grand homme! l'homme de génie!

"I am going, for there is a marine hospital for children there, that I wouldn't miss for the world." "I warrant you would find one on a desert island," retorted old Mr. King. "Well, hurry now, all of you and we will be off." "Now, then, all scramble up here. Phronsie, you go with me," cried old Mr. King, as they stood in plein, and the tram-car halted before them.

When I entered, the doors and windows were wide open; the rays of the sun darted through the filmy lace curtains; it was a "tableau en plein air" that met my eye. Countess Diodora, in a mauve-coloured silk dressing-gown, rested on a settee. Before her was a little Venetian mosaic table, and on it a tea-tray.

Pascal replied to him at first directly; and then in answer to a second attackand so far also in answer to a treatise by the Jesuit, entitledLe Plein du Vide,” published in 1648he made a more elaborate statement in a letter addressed to M. le Pailleur, and in a further letter addressed to Father Noël in the same year.

The new French poet, the American novelist of the year, and a work by Mr. John Morley lay upon Alicia's table many days together for this reason. She sometimes remembered what she expected of these volumes, what plein air sensations, or what profound plunges, and did not quite like her indifference as to whether her expectations were fulfilled.

Leaving off backing numbers en plein, he laid his venture a cheval; then tried it upon the dozens; then upon two numbers; then upon a square; and, apparently getting nearer and nearer defeat, at last upon the simple chances of even or odd, over or under, red or black. Yet with a few fluctuations in his favour fortune bore steadily against him, till he could breast her blows no longer.

Ragueneau, Relation des Hurons, 1649, 5. "Le P. Chaumonot vit au milieu de l'assemblee le P. Daniel qui aidait les Peres de ses conseils, et les remplissait d'une force surnaturelle; son visage etait plein de majeste et d'eclat."