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The best thing you can do is to keep quiet and let Von Plaanden drop. Otherwise, you'll have Miss Brewster the center of " "Keep your tongue from that lady's name!" warned Carroll. "You're giving a good many orders," said the other slowly. "But I'll do almost anything just now to keep you peaceable, and to convince you that you must let Von Plaanden strictly alone."

Poor penitent Von Plaanden even apologized to Carroll, fortunately not having heard of the American's threat, and made a most favorable impression upon that precisian. "Intoxicated, he may be a rough, Miss Polly," Carroll confided to the girl. "But sober, the man is a gentleman. He feels very badly about the whole affair.

The next moment, Herr von Plaanden felt his neck encircled by a clasp none the less warm for being not precisely affectionate. He was pinned. Twisting, he worked one arm loose. "Be careful!" warned the cool voice of Polly Brewster, addressing her defender. "He's trying to draw his sword." The gogglesome one's grip slid a little lower.

Unless you agree to keep your hands and tongue off Von Plaanden I'll lay an information which will land you in the cuartel within an hour." The smile froze on the Southerner's lips. "Could he do that?" he asked Raimonda. "I'm afraid he could. And, really, Mr. Carroll, he's correct in principle.

"Some of those ruffians might come back." "Not to-day," said Sherwen grimly. "They've had enough." "That is correct," confirmed Von Plaanden. "Nevertheless, there may be disorder later. Would it not be better that you go to the British Legation, Fraulein?" "Not I!" she returned. "I stay by my colors. And now I'm going to disband my army."

Herr von Plaanden was both sleepy and cross, for, having lingered after the reception to have a word and several drinks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he had come forth to find neither coach nor automobile in attendance. There had been nothing for it but the plebeian trolley.

I explained about Cluff; that he was a very good fellow, but of a different class, and probably wouldn't give the thing another thought." "And Mr. Perkins?" "Von Plaanden wanted to challenge him, if he could find him. I suggested that he leave me to deal with Mr. Perkins. After some discussion, he agreed." "Oh! And what are you going to do with him?" "Find him first, if I can."

"I know you're not," said he dolefully. "But about that row, I want to set myself right. I'm no fool. I know it took a certain amount of nerve to go down there. And I was even proud of it, in a way. And when Von Plaanden turned and gave me the salute before he went away, I liked it quite a good deal." "Did he do that? I love him for it!" cried the girl.

She opened her eyes to see Von Plaanden, bent forward in his saddle at the exact angle proper to the charge, urging his great horse down upon the mass of people as ruthlessly as if they had been so many insects.

Indeed, it seemed as if these possibilities might promptly become actualities, for the diplomat turned his stimulated wrath upon the girl, and was addressing her in tones too emphatic to be mistaken when a large angular form interposed itself, landing with a flying leap on the seat between them. "Move!" the newly arrived one briefly bade Herr von Plaanden.

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