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He was rambling around here not a quarter of an hour ago with young Raimonda. That's them sitting on the bench over by the fountain." "Will you take me over and present me? I think it is due Mr. Perkins that some one should give him a frank opinion of his actions." "I'd like to hear that," observed Cluff, who was not without humanistic curiosity. "Come along."

They are men of the world, European educated, good sportsmen, straight, honorable gentlemen. Unfortunately not they, but a gang of mongrel grafters control the politics of the country." "For a hermit of science, you seem to know a good deal of what goes on. By the way, Mr. Raimonda called on me on us last evening." "So he mentioned. Rather serious, that, you know." "Far from it.

He, at least, was a gentleman, and the assiduity of his attentions to the Northern beauty had become the joke of the clubs except when Raimonda was present. By the same token, half of the gilded youth of the capital, and most of the young diplomats, were the sworn slaves of the girl. It was a confused field, indeed. Well, thank Heaven, she would soon be out of it!

The Caracunan started and shot a glance at his interlocutor that said, as plainly as words, "How much do you know that you are not telling?" had the latter not been too intent upon his own theory to interpret it. "Ah, that," said Raimonda, after a pause, "that is another question. If it were my sister, or any one dear to me but" he shrugged "views on that matter differ."

"When my brother fell and broke his arm on the mountain, this gentleman found him, took care of him, and brought him in on muleback." "Lives up there somewhere, doesn't he, Mr. Raimonda?" asked the big man. "In the quinta of a deserted plantation," replied the Caracunan. "Wot's he do?" asked the Englishman. "Ah, THAT one does not know, unless Senor Sherwen can tell us."

Raimonda, with a courteous bow to his companions, followed him. Wearily the goggled one sank back in his seat. Cluff moved across, planting himself exactly where Carroll had stood. "Perkins!" "Eh?" responded the sitter absently. "What would you do if I should bat you one in the eye?" "Eh, what?" "What would you do to me?" "You, too?" cried the bewildered Perkins. "Why on earth "

But, anyway, we shouldn't have time to catch even a cold. We leave to-morrow." The men exchanged glances. "How?" inquired Sherwen and Raimonda in a breath. "In the yacht, from Puerto del Norte." "Not if it were a British battleship," said Galpy. "Port's closed." "What? Quarantine already?" said Carroll. "Quarantine be blowed! It's the Dutch." "I thought you knew," said Sherwen.

Graydon Sherwen over and present him?" he asked. "I can vouch for him, having known his family at home, and " "Oh, bring them all, Fitzhugh," commanded the girl. The exponent of Southern aristocracy looked uncomfortable. "As to the others," he said, "Mr. Raimonda is a native " "With the manners of a prince. I've quite fallen in love with him already," she said wickedly.

His name is Raimonda. Fitzhugh knows him. By the way, where on earth is Fitzhugh?" "Trying to fit a kind and gentlemanly expression over a swollen sense of injury, for a guess," replied the girl carelessly. "I left him in sweet and lone communion with nature three hours ago." "Polly, I wish " "Oh, dad, dear, don't! You'll get your wish, I suppose, and Fitz, too. Only I don't want to be hurried.

They grow nowhere but on the cliff faces, usually in the wildest part of the mountains. Few people except the hunters and mountaineers know where, and it's only the most adventurous of them who go after the flowers." "Do you suppose this boy got these?" Miss Brewster indicated the shy and dusky messenger. Raimonda spoke to the boy for a moment. "No; he didn't collect them.

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