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"Speakin' of laws goes to show me that this here country is gettin' too blamed civilized for a white man," said Simms, pessimistically, "and now that this fight is ended up it don't look like there would be anything doin' fit to claim the interest of a growed-up person for a long while. I'm goin' west." "West! Why, you can throw a stone into Bering Strait from here," said Roy, smiling.

Then he turned to the side of the mantelpiece and took the church keys from the nail. For everybody knows where everybody else keeps his keys in Farlingford. He forgot to shut the door behind him, and River Andrew, pessimistically getting into his sea-boots, swore at his retreating back.

"Wal, a hell of a lot can happen before then," declared Jerry, pessimistically. Kurt was brought back to realities rather suddenly. But questioning Jerry did not elicit any new or immediate cause for worry. Jerry appeared tired out. "You go get some sleep," said Kurt. "All right. Bill's been dividin' this night watch with me.

Giles Henderson began to receive visits from the solid men not politicians of the various cities and counties. For instance, Mr. Henderson to save the State. At first Mr. Henderson would give no ear to these appeals, but shook his head pessimistically.

"Something for you?" she queried pessimistically. "Want costume of Julius Hur, the charioteer." Mrs. Nolak was sorry, but every stitch of charioteer had been rented long ago. Was it for the Townsends' circus ball? It was. "Sorry," she said, "but I don't think there's anything left that's really circus." This was an obstacle. "Hm," said Perry. An idea struck him suddenly.

"I don't believe that fellow very well," responded Amy pessimistically. "He said he'd get us to Wharton, and he didn't. He said his old car would go, and it didn't. He said we could cross that field, and it didn't I mean we couldn't. Anyway, I propose we find the road again and sit down and wait until someone comes along and gives us a lift." "That's all very well, but which way is the road?"

That was the construction which Dade pessimistically put upon her smiling assurance that she could never be so selfish as to take Señor Hunter's wonderful Surry and condemn him to some commonplace caballo; though she gave also a better reason than that, which was that her own horse was already saddled witness the peon leading the animal into the patio at that very moment and that an exchange would mean delay.

The grey-green waves looked mountain-high when seen from the water-washed deck of the Catspaw, and the wind, while seeming to have passed its wildest stage, still blew hard. There was no sight of land in any direction and Joe pessimistically decided that they were then some forty miles at sea and about off the Isles of Shoals.

"I think we goin' to have a strike sure." "Bad sisson too to have strike," replied the second pessimistically. "It will be cold winter, now." Across the black square of the window drifted the stray lights of the countryside, and from time to time, when the train stopped, she gazed out, unheeding, at the figures moving along the dim station platforms.

"I wonder if she'd care or would it be another case of Joyce Henderson?" he said. "Well, serve me right for a fool if it was!" He kicked a stick out of his way as he made for the wagon. "What have you got to offer a girl, anyhow?" He took a pocket torch out and examined the wheel of the wagon. "I've seen better looking wheels and then again I've seen worse," he decided, pessimistically.