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Sairay!" her mother lifted an admonishing finger, "be careful how you talk about the A'mighty! Babies is different from growed-up folks, and, besides, I guess ef the Lord ain't too good to count the hairs of our heads, he can even take notice of a dog's howl!" and Sara, who had the reverent soul of a little child, was once again silenced, if not convinced.

Nightmare indigestion too much newspaper before retiring." He caught the rope. "That's correct! I had a hell of a foolish dream for a growed-up man. You'd not think it of me." "Oh, yes, I should. I've had them after prolonged lobster and champagne." "Ah," he murmured, "prolonged! Prolonged is what does it." He glanced behind him. "Steve came back " "In your lobster dream," I put in.

I reckoned there would be the gem'en and his wife, an' perhaps two growed-up sons, though Mike, he was doubtful about the growed-up sons, especially as to thar bein' two of them. Then I reckoned thar'd be a darter, just about your age, Miss, an' then there'd be two younger chillen, one a boy an' one a girl, an' a gov'ness for these two.

"Why, it has come too late," he had told her when the scolding was over. "If I was one of your little scholars hyeh in Bear Creek schoolhouse, yu' could learn me to like such frillery I reckon. But I'm a mighty ignorant, growed-up man." "So much the worse for you!" said Molly. "No. I am pretty glad I am a man. Else I could not have learned the thing you have taught me."

Her husband went to the back door. "He's sitting over by the pump talking to Tod. Sitting talking like they was one age. I reckon he's sort of half-witted." "How come?" sharply asked Mrs. Bridewell. "Ain't Tod got more brains than most growed-up men?" "I reckon he has," admitted the proud father.

Ho!" shouted Rhodes, nodding and winking at Mrs. Campbell, "she's getting to be growed-up, ain't she? Last time I come through here she was a little girl in pigtails but now it's done up in curls. And I can't say a word against this no-account Wunpost till she calls me a liar to my face!" "Billy is almost nineteen," answered Mrs. Campbell quietly, "but I'm surprised to hear her contradict."

It was Judson; and having seen him last toiling away man-fashion at the wreck in the Crosswater Hills, Lidgerwood hailed him. "Hello, Judson! How did you get here? I thought you were doing a turn with McCloskey." The small man's grin was ferocious. "I was, but Mac said he didn't have any further use for me said I was too much of a runt to be liftin' and pullin' along with growed-up men.

I was standin' in the street with the crowd outside Covin' Garden, watchin' the swells go inter the operer. An' there was one everyone stared at most. They ses to each other, 'That's the princess. She was a growed-up young lady, but she was pink all over gownd an' cloak, an' flowers an' all. I called her to mind the minnit I see you, sittin' there on the table, miss. You looked like her."

He advanced the thought that shooting was recognized as necessary under proper conditions and safeguards, ever'where, but that kidnapping was looked on as bordering on the criminal even in the case of a child. How much more so, then, in the case of a growed-up adult man and Dimocrat? "Nobody couldn't think of nothing else then, but Colonel Bud 'lowed we was bleeged to do something.

"Speakin' of laws goes to show me that this here country is gettin' too blamed civilized for a white man," said Simms, pessimistically, "and now that this fight is ended up it don't look like there would be anything doin' fit to claim the interest of a growed-up person for a long while. I'm goin' west." "West! Why, you can throw a stone into Bering Strait from here," said Roy, smiling.