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It was an old man singing, the air perhaps that of some old chanson of his own country, sung by villagers long before: "Souvenirs du jeune age Sont gravis dans mon coeur, Quand je pense au village, Revenant du bonheur " The old voice halted, at length resuming, idly: "Quand je pense quand je pense."

Grundy has not yet put in her censorious appearance in Japan, nor have our western conventionalities set their seal on what, after all, is but a single act of personal cleanliness. "Honi soit qui mal y pense." Their mode of dress is an embodiment of simplicity and elegance.

Invest his highness with this ornament, As I invest you with it, and receive you Into the duties of my gallant order. And, "Honi soit qui mal y pense." Thus perish All jealousy between our several realms, And let the bond of confidence unite Henceforth, the crowns of Britain and of France.

Following his usual plan of getting as much information as possible out of the French, he heard the old man, who seemed unaccountably shy and diffident, mutter casually "J'ai pensé que vous ètiez tous partis hier soir." "Comment?" said he, "tous partis? Mais, Monsieur, nous sommes les premiers Anglais qui sont arrivés ici." "Mais, Monsieur! Anglais? Ce n'est pas possible!"

"Honi soit qui mal y pense," murmured Don, slowly recovering from his fit of laughter. "Ipsissima verba," said Flamby. Don, who was drying his eyes, turned slowly and regarded her. Flamby blushed rosily. "What did you say?" asked Don. "Nothing. I was thinking out loud." "Do you habitually think in Latin?" "No. It was just a trick of dad's. I wish you could have heard him swear in Latin."

Heffy's in it, too. Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat! Hear me! Come on!" "Aves?" said Beetle. "Of course, but I'm not smokin' aujourd'hui. Parceque je jolly well pense that we'll be suivi. We'll go along the cliffs, slow, an' give Foxy lots of time to parallel us up above." They strolled towards the swimming-baths, and presently overtook King. "Oh, don't let me interrupt you," he said.

Pense avec tendresse de la votre. Chester, May 12, 1785. Nothing could be more welcome than your affectionate letters by Mr. Wickham. They met me on Tuesday evening, on our return from a tour through the mountains. I was for some hours transported home, to partake of that domestic tranquillity which you so feelingly paint. Continue to write if opportunity presents.

His words be these, 'Et de vray, c'est le plus fascheux et le plus incertain negocier de ceste court, que je pense soit au monde." And so "basting," as he said, "with a weak body and a willing mind; to do, he feared, no good work," he set forth from Middelburgh to rejoin Leicester at Arnheim, in order to obey, as well as he could, the Queen's latest directions.

His majesty was delighted, embraced his son, commanded that the insignia of the order should always be so worn, presented the youthful knight with 1s. per ton, Newcastle measure, upon all coals shipped in the Tyne for consumption in England, and secured the munificent parental gift by patent to the young duke and his heirs for ever. Hôni soit qui mal y pense.

His last words, shouted from the bridge of the Zaire as her stern wheel went threshing ahead, were, "Remember, Bones! No shirking!" "Honi soit qui mal y pense!" roared Bones. Hamilton had evidence enough of the effect which the leniency of his subordinate had produced. News travels fast, and the Akasava are great talkers.